Community Health Workers Champion Kenya’s COVID-19 Response

5 years ago

Communities and community health workers matter and play a key role in responding to major disease outbreaks as demonstrated in…

Cielo e Terra Vini a fianco di Amref Health Africa

5 years ago

In questo momento in cui l’emergenza sanitaria causata dalla diffusione del COVID-19 va di pari passo con le difficoltà delle…

Involve young people in fight on coronavirus

5 years ago

The Covid-19 pandemic is the glaring rampant global health crisis of our time. Cases are rising daily in the world,…

Watch: Amref Health Africa CEO on COVID-19’s impact on NGO finances

5 years ago Via YouTube. The COVID-19 crisis is upending many things, including the financial stability of NGOs, according to Amref Health Africa CEO…

Cronache dalla quarantena #4 (Coronavirus torna a casa tua, diario dall’Africa)

5 years ago

«Siamo stupefatti, guardiamo all’Europa e ci sembra un film di fantascienza, non riusciamo a credere che sia la realtà: com’è…

AMREF donates 8.22 million/- to contain covid-19 pandemic

5 years ago

AMREF Health Africa through its ‘Afya Kamili Project’ has donated various items worth 8.22 million/- to boost efforts to protect…

Micucci (Amref): "Paesi in Africa senza tamponi e posti in terapia intensiva"

5 years ago

Guglielmo Micucci , director of Amref Health Africa in Italy, guest of 'Stadio Aperto', in the afternoon of TMW Radio…

Covid-19 e Africa, "tempesta perfetta". La pandemia con gli occhi di Amref

5 years ago

In silence, with realistically very different numbers from the official ones, the Covid-19 pandemic is spreading also in Africa. There…

Watch – CORONAVIRUS: Can the developing world cope?

5 years ago

Coronavirus is testing even the world’s most sophisticated health systems - so there is real concern about how poorer nations…

Su La7 “Qualcosa si è rotto”, il cortometraggio Amref dedicato all’acqua realizzato da DocLab. Al via la campagna di raccolta fondi “Dove c’è acqua la vita scorre”

5 years ago

Anteprima speciale sabato 4 aprile alle ore 17: il corto, realizzato in Kenya, verrà introdotto e presentato da Licia Colò,…