La7, cortometraggio Amref con Fiorella Mannoia e Licia Colò

5 years ago

credit foto Gabriele Coradeschi La7, cortometraggio Amref con Fiorella Mannoia e Licia Colò Anche le più grandi sfide passano per…

COVID-19: Africa, Let’s Look Beyond Prevention

5 years ago

By Charles Okeahalam At present, the evidence available suggests that countries and regions which are the least globally integrated, have experienced…

COVID-19: The Community Health Worker Response

5 years ago

Community Health Workers have been making use of the Ministry of Health training content on COVID-19 as brought to them…

Coordinate efforts distribute sanitizers to Kenya communities

5 years ago

Kenya Breweries Limited has partnered with Amref Health Africa and the Kenya Red Cross Society for emergency distribution of 135,000…

Dettol, EABL, AMREF in fight against COVID-19

5 years ago

Several firms have moved to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic by working to provide sanitation equipment to the vulnerable public…

Wat doet de corona-pandemie met de ontwikkelingssector? – Vice Versa

5 years ago

Investeren in internettoegang, cursussen online aanbieden en digitaal collecteren – flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen zitten in het DNA van de sector.…

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties solidariteit in coronacrisis

5 years ago

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties roepen de overheid in een gemeenschappelijke verklaring op tot meer internationale coördinatie en solidariteit in het bestrijden…

Amref Partners with KBL to Distribute Hand Sanitisers in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements

5 years ago

Kenya continues to register increasing numbers of COVID-19 infection. By 30 March 2020, 50 cases of COVID-19 infection had been…

KBL Partners with Kenya Red Cross Society and Amref Health Africa to Distribute Sanitizers to Communities in Nairobi and Kisumu

5 years ago

Nairobi 30th March 2020…. Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL) has partnered with Amref Health Africa (Amref) and Kenya Red Cross Society…

GITAHI: Brace yourselves, it’s going to be months of social distancing in Kenya

5 years ago

The coronavirus pandemic is not a short term social disruption but it is going to take months before our lives…