Premio Dirigentes a la Sostenibilidad: Ferrovial

6 years ago

As society evolves, it must focus on ensuring sustainable growth, a fundamental aspect to help protect the planet properly. To…

La salute in Africa passa per la comunità: la strategia di Amref Health

6 years ago

Githinji Gitahi, global Ceo di Amref Health Africa, indica la strada da seguire per investire sul futuro: l’innalzamento del livello…

Amref International University (AMIU) to be established in South Sudan’s Maridi State

6 years ago

July 16, 2019(Nyamilepedia) — The authorities of South Sudan’s Maridi State have on Tuesday announced that preparations are underway to…

Communities Photo Exhibition Highlights WASH Challenges and Acclaimed Positive Changes

6 years ago

Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia recently hosted a photo exhibition and experience sharing forum, which offered community members it works…

Eemnessers fietsen voor Amref Flying Doctors

6 years ago

Ralf van Garderen en Jochem Urban doen mee aan de Africa Classic, een fysieke en mentale beleving voor het goede…


6 years ago

ROMA aise - Con lo scambio dei materiali prodotti dai ragazzi delle scuole italiane e keniote, la scorsa settimana si…

L’Uganda: uno dei Paesi più “refugee-friendly” del mondo

6 years ago

L’Uganda è il terzo Paese al mondo ad ospitare il più alto numero di rifugiati, dopo la Turchia e il…

Partnership that is Bringing Joy to Women by Restoring Their Dignity

6 years ago

Amref Health Africa in partnership with Kenyatta National Hospital, UNFPA, Safaricom Foundation and Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa held a…

Communities hail Amref for nutrition interventions

6 years ago

Ntchisi, Malawi July 12, 2019: Communities in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Malenga in Ntchisi  have hailed Amref Health…

Amref Health Africa, una ONG africana liderada por africanos

6 years ago

Amref Health Africa es la mayor organización internacional sanitaria de origen y gestión completamente africanos. Para ello, cuenta con un…