Amref Health Africa, una ONG africana liderada por africanos

6 years ago

Amref Health Africa es la mayor organización internacional sanitaria de origen y gestión completamente africanos. Para ello, cuenta con un…

Telehealth: the game-changer for healthcare in Africa

6 years ago

The statistics remain grim; nearly half of the world’s population still lacks access to essential health services, and each year at least…

AMREF con IED: che colore ha il futuro?

6 years ago

Il racconto del Sud Sudan, il paese più giovane e povero al mondo, affidato alle graphic novel degli studenti Riceviamo…

Joint Plan to Develop Water Supply Systems launched in Ethiopia

6 years ago

Nearly 60,000 people will have sustainable access to safe, affordable and equitable drinking water.

Safeguarding health data privacy for Kenyan citizens

6 years ago

Kenyan Community Health Workers collect the health data of Kenyan citizens using a new mobile app called mJali to accelerate…

Gli studenti raccontano il Paese più giovane del mondo Buone Notizie in edicola

6 years ago

Ricordate la storia di Kiriku e della strega Karabà? Un bambino africano salva il suo villaggio dalle vessazioni di una…

Due ciclisti savonesi in viaggio per 2.500 km a sostegno delle popolazioni africane

6 years ago

Due savonesi appassionati di cicloturismo protagonisti di una raccolta fondi per Amref Health Africa, la più grande organizzazione sanitaria africana.…

Winners of Inaugural Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards Named At Gala Dinner in Nairobi

6 years ago

The winners of the first ever Quality Healthcare Kenyan Awards (QHKA) were honoured at a gala dinner held at the…

Cyclists raise sh1.7b for health in Uganda

6 years ago

The cyclists some in their 60’s and above started the gruelling race in Luweero Not often in Uganda does a…

Thousands Join Amref’s Charity Walk to Support Deployment of Midwives in Tanzania.

6 years ago

ef Health Africa in Tanzania in partnership with Azania Bank Ltd conducted the 2019 Stand Up for African Mothers (SU4AM)…