6 years ago

By: Dr. Githinji Gitahi, GCEO, Amref Health Africa Founded in 1957 by Sir Michael Wood, Archibald McIndoe and Tom Rees…

Addressing NCDs to Fast-Track Achievement of Universal Health Coverage

6 years ago

The emerging prevalence of Non–Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and related risk factors may reverse Kenya’s recent gains in health, unless urgent…

Young People Should Be a Main Focus in the Fight against NCDs

7 years ago

Kenya is experiencing an upsurge in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with current estimates showing that NCDs account for…

How Kenyans can take an active role in the attainment of UHC

7 years ago

CURAFA seeks to bridge the gap in primary care service delivery Kenya has over time come a long way in…

Unsung Heroes Championing Primary Health Care Services

7 years ago

Unsung Heroes Championing Primary Health Care Services Amref Health Africa has long recognised the value and pivotal role of Community…

We Are at World Water Week in Stockholm to Promote FINISH Mondial

7 years ago

WASTE, Amref Flying Doctors and Aqua for All are working together on local sanitation market development through the FINISH model…

Community Workers Help Reduce Costs of Treating Malaria

7 years ago

The costs of accessing malaria diagnosis and treatment services have largely reduced in the malaria endemic Lake Counties since community…

Amref International University to launch Health Journalism Course

7 years ago

Amref International University is set to offer short-courses for health journalists – facilitating them to generate factual and non-sensational reports.…

Team Leadership Experience from Amref shared at YALI

7 years ago

Betebebu Mulugeta, a young project officer at Arbaminch field office of Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia, was one of this…

Reflections from MDI 2018: Solving Africa’s Health Challenges

7 years ago

As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN members have committed to achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.  How…