3 years ago

The world’s youth population is 1.2 billion strong – a number that is projected to grow by 7% to 1.3…

“I will be one of Ethiopian Most Influential Women”

3 years ago

From an early age, the Ethiopian Hermela has one clear goal. She wants to become the most influential woman in…

Breastfeeding Safe Space – The Joy of Amref Employees

3 years ago

Every expectant mother looks forward to breastfeeding their newborn child immediately after delivery. Breastfeeding the baby within the first hour…

The Rockefeller Foundation Launches the Vaccination Action Network to Strengthen Health Systems and Scale Up Covid-19 Vaccinations in sub-Saharan Africa

3 years ago

Amref Health Africa selected as implementing partner to provide technical assistance for the new peer-to-peer learning network Nairobi | August…

Large-Scale Hygiene Behaviour Change Initiative Launches in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to Combat COVID-19

3 years ago

Nairobi, 28th July 2022. Amidst an increase in COVID-19 infections in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, key stakeholders - Amref Health Africa,…

Intestinal worms and bilharzia affect millions of locals in four counties

3 years ago

Eric Maloba’s five-year-old son underwent surgery to remove intestinal worms. According to Maloba, who hails from Matungu in Kakamega County,…

Solving Water and Sanitation Problems for Gumbo Community in Juba, South Sudan: Perspectives of the Local Government

3 years ago

About 59% of the population in South Sudan lacks access to safe water, while 10% of the population has access…

A Young Safe Water Champion Changing Lives in Gumbo, South Sudan

3 years ago

Every day, Rovinnah Bonitoj wakes up at 6 am and prepares for school. In the evening, she does her homework…

How Africa can tame the time bomb that is the ballooning population and improve health

3 years ago

This year is an important one for the world. According to the latest report from the UN, the world population…

Climate action could prevent 6,000 child deaths a year

3 years ago

Researchers estimate the impact of climate change on child deaths in AfricaConcerted climate action could cut 6,000 heat-related child deaths…