Fiere: Roma, da Codeway appuntamento su 'Salute e sviluppo: l'impegno per l'Africa'

3 years ago

Roma, 19 gen. (Labitalia) - In un mondo definitivamente globalizzato, la corsa all'immunità vaccinale non può essere nazionale. La sfida…

Omicron, in 30 Paesi africani e decessi aumentati del 64%

3 years ago

Sono passati quasi due anni dal primo caso di COVID-19 in Africa, rilevato in Egitto a febbraio 2020. Ad oggi,…

COVID-19 vaccine uptake a matter of words’

3 years ago

A simple language intervention has the potential to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates by boosting confidence in vaccines, researchers say. A…

What prevents pregnant women from adhering to the continuum of maternal care? Evidence on interrelated mechanisms from a cohort study in Kenya

3 years ago

Strengths and limitations of this study This study uses data recorded by health workers in real-time, providing accurate and reliable…

Details Emerge on Why Covid-19 Vaccines Should Not Be Mixed

3 years ago

The first outbreak of the Coronavirus disease was in Wuhan, China in November 2019 and Kenya recorded the first case on 12th March 2020.…

Sex Survey On COVID-19: कोरोना काल मे यू बदली सेक्स लाइफ, सन्तुष्टि को लेकर आया नया सर्वे

3 years ago

प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर (File Image) Sex Survey On COVID-19: कोरोना वायरस महामारी (Coronavirus Pandemic) के कारण लोगों के जनजीवन में काफी बदलाव…

Inclusioni Giovanili: il progetto per ridare ai giovani i loro “luoghi della salute”

3 years ago

Rispondendo alla chiamata di Inclusioni Giovanili, tanti ragazzi hanno raccontato via Instagram la loro esperienza e le difficoltà di vivere…

Vaccines, if we leave Africa behind, we all fall behind

3 years ago

In Africa only 9.8% of the population has been vaccinated, yet the African continent is home to 17% of the…

The scapegoat denying Africans of COVID vaccines

3 years ago

Stop blaming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy for Africa’s low vaccination rates, writes Desta Lakew. In 2020, when COVID-19 infection rates were at their…

Omicron: Herd immunity will be short-lived, experts caution

3 years ago

Health experts have said the Omicron variant of the coronavirus might have provided herd immunity, but which will wane with…