Italia e Kenya insieme per creare mascherine e lavoro

4 years ago

Macchine da cucire inutilizzate, la pandemia e la voglia di riscatto. Inizia così la storia della sartoria Dagoretti Fashion&Design Center,…

Kenya: Over 1,300 bars and eateries staff in COVID-19 safety training

4 years ago

Owners, operators, and staff of 1,312 bars and eateries across the country have so far been trained on COVID-19 safety…

Africa Life Clinic: Antibiotic resistance

4 years ago

Infections caused by germs which have become resistant to the medicines used to treat them pose a great threat to…

BBC Health Check: Superbugs and superfoods

4 years ago

Infections caused by germs which have become resistant to the medicines used to treat them pose a great threat to…

Tessuti, ambiente e mascherine. Il ponte tra knowhow italiano e le designer di Nairobi

4 years ago

La pandemia Covid 19 ha messo a dura prova il settore tessile a livello globale, ma ha trovato anche un’opportunità…

The List Of Approved COVID-19 PCR Testing Laboratories in Kenya

4 years ago

KEY POINTS One of the ways to fight the COVID-19 pandemic is true (through) carrying out tests. When the COVID-19…

Embracing Digital Learning in the Fight against COVID-19

4 years ago

Authors: Leticia Buluma, Edna Osebe, Alvina Makumbane, Boniface Hlabano The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact across the globe.…

Uganda: WHO Leads Partner Coordination in Fight Against Covid-19 in Acholi Sub Region, Northern Uganda

4 years ago

A Regional Partners' Consultative Forum established by WHO in Gulu district, Northern Uganda has strengthened partner coordination, increased resource mobilization,…

Soudan du Sud : Améliorer l’accès à l’eau potable pour les communautés

4 years ago

À Maridi, l'eau potable libère le temps des femmes et améliore la santé de la communauté. Mary Nosa Duku est…

Africa disarmata contro Covid

4 years ago

In più di un anno la pandemia di Covid-19 ha smentito una lunga serie di previsioni. Tra queste l’ipotesi che…