Access to contraception is helping to improve the life of Tariko Manta, and her family, who live in a village in Ethiopia

4 years ago

Read Tarkio’s experience in her own words: “My name is Tariko. I am 32-years-old and I live in Kindo Koisha…

Elimination of “river epilepsy” has started in South Sudan

4 years ago

Robert Colebunders, Global Health Institute, University of Antwerp. March 2020. In November 2013, I visited Mvolo, in South Sudan, in…

Twitter Partners Local Organisations to Support Mental Health Work in Nigeria, Kenya, S/Africa

4 years ago

Twitter has partnered Local Organisations to Support Mental Health Work in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, a new initiative that makes…

Todoloi a’ edewa camps saving the lives of mothers and children in nomadic communities in times of COVID–19

4 years ago

Todoloi in ng’aturkana loosely translates to ‘reach us.’ The Turkana community uses this term to express devastating circumstances such as…

LITMUS TEST OF TURKANA HEALTH SYSTEM: County Health Directorate Presents the First MPDSR Report

4 years ago

There is a global consensus that accurate information about the causes of maternal and newborn deaths through mortality audits is…

Amref Health Africa Enhances Infection Prevention and Behaviour Change Communication Skills of the Health Workforce in Meru and Embu Counties

4 years ago

Amref Health Africa’s Moses Lengewa and Solomon Sawe (second and third left) hand over personal protective equipment to the Embu…

Top Most Gabra Leaders Outlaw FGM and Early Child Marriage

4 years ago

Nairobi, September 21, 2020 – With the support of the Amref Health Africa in Kenya led and USAID funded Koota…

Kenya’s Unlikely COVID-19 Hero

4 years ago

Working as a security guard at a hospital gate, this Kenyan woman has beaten the odds to achieve her dreams…

Security Guard by Day, Health Worker in Training and Practice – Jane’s Story

4 years ago

Many unsung heroes are making a difference in their community, particularly during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Twenty-six-year-old Jane…

StanChart offers customers air ambulance services partnership with Amref

4 years ago

By EVANS ONGWAE | The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a new conversation on personal health and what the individual needs…