Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) News

COVID-19: Africa, Let’s Look Beyond Prevention

By Charles Okeahalam At present, the evidence available suggests that countries and regions which are the least globally integrated, have experienced…

5 years ago

Coordinate efforts distribute sanitizers to Kenya communities

Kenya Breweries Limited has partnered with Amref Health Africa and the Kenya Red Cross Society for emergency distribution of 135,000…

5 years ago

Dettol, EABL, AMREF in fight against COVID-19

Several firms have moved to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic by working to provide sanitation equipment to the vulnerable public…

5 years ago

Wat doet de corona-pandemie met de ontwikkelingssector? – Vice Versa

Investeren in internettoegang, cursussen online aanbieden en digitaal collecteren – flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen zitten in het DNA van de sector.…

5 years ago

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties solidariteit in coronacrisis

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties roepen de overheid in een gemeenschappelijke verklaring op tot meer internationale coördinatie en solidariteit in het bestrijden…

5 years ago

GITAHI: Brace yourselves, it’s going to be months of social distancing in Kenya

The coronavirus pandemic is not a short term social disruption but it is going to take months before our lives…

5 years ago

Effective communication critical to fighting COVID-19

To win the war against COVID-19, timely, balanced and factual information is critical, writes Elizabeth Ntonjira.

5 years ago

Coronavirus: ora è l’Africa a spaventare

What if Coronavirus hits the poorest countries with its disruptive wave ? Nobody can provide a certain prediction, but surely…

5 years ago

Boost community health worker capacity to fight Covid-19

By METTE KINOTI About a century ago, in 1920s China, a cadre of health workers emerged. Unlike trained doctors and…

5 years ago

L’Africa senza terapia intensiva. Amref: «Ci prepariamo al peggio»

L’Africa è il prossimo punto interrogativo sull’evoluzione della traiettoria della pandemia del coronavirus. Se finora il continente è stato relativamente…

5 years ago