
Five things you need to know about vaccine (in)equity in Africa

Many months ago, the UN chief, Antonio Guterres, warned the world that we needed to accelerate the global rollout of…

3 years ago

Fistula Repairs Redeeming Hope for Malawian Women

Jackline Chiwinga remembered the euphoria of waking up to dry bedding after her successful obstetric fistula repair surgery. Seventeen years…

3 years ago

4 op de 5 Nederlanders vindt dat Nederland zich moet inzetten om meisjesbesnijdenis te bestrijden

In veel nomadische gemeenschappen in Afrika is meisjesbesnijdenis nog steeds onderdeel van een eeuwenoude traditie. Toch wonen er ook in…

3 years ago

Support community health workers, Dodoma residents urged

DODOMA residents have been urged to give maximum support to Community-based Health Workers (CHW), who have decided to join hands…

3 years ago

Sanità globale, le malattie dimenticate minacciano oltre un miliardo di persone nel mondo, ma nessuno ne parla

ROMA - Un’alleanza per curare la Nodding Syndrome - detta "del cenno del capo", condizione neurologica che produce episodi di…

3 years ago

Amref to offer Covid 19 vaccination services

Amref Health Africa Tanzania  through  the ‘Afya Kamilifu’ project  has extended  its services  by  including  COVID -19  vaccination services  to …

3 years ago

AMREF inavyosaidia mapambano ya UKIMWI Simiyu

*Asilimia 83 wanaoishi na VVU wanajua hali zao *Idadi ya wanaojitokeza kupima VVU nayo yaongezeka Na Derick Milton, Busega Mkoa…

3 years ago

Salute e sviluppo: Amref, la pandemia e l’impegno per l’Africa. Se ne parla domani a Roma

La sfida mondiale alla pandemia da Covid-19 ha reso ancora più evidenti contraddizioni, limiti, disuguaglianze e potenzialità riguardo alla tutela…

3 years ago

Nairobi health officers trained on Covid-19 protocols enforcement

Public Health Officers from Nairobi received capacity-building training on enforcement of Covid-19 health and safety protocols. The training conducted by…

3 years ago

‘Majority of African women are still denied opportunities’

Lizz Ntonjira is strategic communication, media, advocacy, and policy facilitation expert with experience gained in the public, private and international development…

3 years ago