
Zanzibar VP amplifies campaign against NCDs

ZANZIBAR First Vice-President Othman Masoud Othman has appealed to citizens to avoid a lifestyle that could lead them to getting…

3 years ago

Stop the growing Covid-19 vaccines access inequality

By Dr GITHINJI GITAHI For the past year, countries have put in a lot of effort to fight the coronavirus…

3 years ago

Countries contributing the least to the climate crisis are feeling the worst of its effects

More than 1 billion children are at extreme risk for weather disasters, a UNICEF report found. The majority of these…

3 years ago

Multi-sectoral Approach for Improved Response to Gender-Based Violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Amref Health Africa is establishing and strengthening one-stop centres at targeted hospitals to provide integrated medical and psychosocial…

3 years ago

Flying Doctors, M-PESA Foundation, AMREF, UNFPA Partner For Fistula Programme

The Flying Doctors Society of Africa (FDSA) has partnered with M-PESA Foundation, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Amref- Kenya and International Cancer…

3 years ago

FutureProofing Healthcare launches whitepaper focusing on preparing African health systems for the future

As part of its continued commitment to creating new, sustainable health systems, FutureProofing Healthcare Index (FPHI) launched its newest whitepaper,…

3 years ago

Afrique: COP 26 – La finance climatique est déterminante pour les pays du Sud

Les leaders en matière de climat dans les pays du Sud ont un message clair pour les gouvernements à l'occasion…

3 years ago

How the right policies can unleash digital innovation in African healthcare

Africa was impacted by the pandemic in part because of healthcare system constraints, which Africa Health 2021 speakers believe can…

3 years ago

Countries urged to combine nutrition and immunisation

Kenya is among countries across the world that have been urged to integrate immunisation and nutrition programmes to prevent stunted…

3 years ago

Turning ordinary midwife into a super midwife

GSK funded eLearning offers nurses and midwives welcome opportunity | CAROLINE ARIBA | Her arrival into the maternity ward is…

3 years ago