The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH), a multi-constituency partnership hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and…
A drop in the use of contraceptives may see Kenya record an increased number of unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions, a report…
Reaching the Most Vulnerable with Contraception During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Background Contraception use is a key fundamental human…
World Health Organisation (WHO), has said that COVID-19 vaccine shipments to Africa must rise by over seven times from around…
The leaders of several African nations on Thursday blasted the system of "vaccine apartheid" that rich countries and pharmaceutical giants…
On September 22, 2021, President Biden convened a virtual Global COVID-19 Summit focused on ending the pandemic and building better…
Jose Gutierrez comes from the San Fernando Valley, but the USC junior spent his summer researching COVID-19’s impact on the…
“We must bring COVAX ahead of queue,” said Dr. Githinji Gitahi during the #COVIDSummit US president Joe Biden hosted a…
By: GITHINJI GITAHI AND CHARLES OKEAHALAM , AMREF HEALTH AFRICA The decline in the COVID-19 fatality rate in vaccinated populations is…
COVID-19 vaccine shipments to Africa must rise by over seven times from around 20 million per month to 150 million…