
Defilement: When victims have to share home with their abusers

Valence Awuor* 13, recalls the day she left home after her step-father defiled her. Two days after the incident, her…

3 years ago

Amref launches survey on neglected diseases in Western Kenya

Amref Health Africa has launched a survey on selected Neglected Tropical Diseases in four counties in Western. The study is…

4 years ago

G20 della salute, One Health e vaccini. Amref: “La salute dei Paesi fragili è interesse globale”

Roma, 7 settembre 2021 – “La comunità internazionale ha la responsabilità di affrontare i nodi nella distribuzione e nella produzione…

4 years ago

In Africa solo il 2,7% della popolazione ha ricevuto due dosi di vaccino

La corsa contro il tempo per la vaccinazione contro il Covid19 rischia di essere compromessa da campagne vaccinali che nel…

4 years ago

Une Ong plaide pour l’application des lois criminalisant les violences sur les femmes

Le projet Power to Youth (PTY) de Amref Health Africa Senegal a plaidé jeudi, pour l’application effective des lois criminalisant…

4 years ago

GDI H And Amref Powered Innovate Now Joins +N As Founding Member

Written by Bernard Chiira, Director Innovate Now, 01 Sept 2021 For many decades persons with disabilities in Africa, especially in…

4 years ago

More than 80% of hypertension cases now found in poorer countries

More than half a billion people worldwide live with undetected, untreated hypertension, even as the disease burden shifts from rich…

4 years ago

Media role stressed in fighting HIV/AIDS spread in Tanzania

JOURNALISTS have been asked to continue promoting voluntary testing of HIV/AIDS particularly encouraging men, who still lag behind women in…

4 years ago

ONE, UNICEF And African Union Join Forces With Tiktok To Strengthen Vaccine Confidence In Africa

The ONE Campaign, UNICEF and the African Union have today launched a new TikTok campaign, to counter misinformation about COVID-19…

4 years ago

Kenya steps up the COVID-19 vaccination efforts

The country recently received more than 800,000 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 as the government pushes the campaign to get…

4 years ago