
AMREF donates 8.22 million/- to contain covid-19 pandemic

AMREF Health Africa through its ‘Afya Kamili Project’ has donated various items worth 8.22 million/- to boost efforts to protect…

5 years ago

Micucci (Amref): "Paesi in Africa senza tamponi e posti in terapia intensiva"

Guglielmo Micucci , director of Amref Health Africa in Italy, guest of 'Stadio Aperto', in the afternoon of TMW Radio…

5 years ago

Su La7 “Qualcosa si è rotto”, il cortometraggio Amref dedicato all’acqua realizzato da DocLab. Al via la campagna di raccolta fondi “Dove c’è acqua la vita scorre”

Anteprima speciale sabato 4 aprile alle ore 17: il corto, realizzato in Kenya, verrà introdotto e presentato da Licia Colò,…

5 years ago

La7, cortometraggio Amref con Fiorella Mannoia e Licia Colò

credit foto Gabriele Coradeschi La7, cortometraggio Amref con Fiorella Mannoia e Licia Colò Anche le più grandi sfide passano per…

5 years ago

COVID-19: The Community Health Worker Response

Community Health Workers have been making use of the Ministry of Health training content on COVID-19 as brought to them…

5 years ago

Coordinate efforts distribute sanitizers to Kenya communities

Kenya Breweries Limited has partnered with Amref Health Africa and the Kenya Red Cross Society for emergency distribution of 135,000…

5 years ago

Dettol, EABL, AMREF in fight against COVID-19

Several firms have moved to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic by working to provide sanitation equipment to the vulnerable public…

5 years ago

Wat doet de corona-pandemie met de ontwikkelingssector? – Vice Versa

Investeren in internettoegang, cursussen online aanbieden en digitaal collecteren – flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen zitten in het DNA van de sector.…

5 years ago

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties solidariteit in coronacrisis

Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties roepen de overheid in een gemeenschappelijke verklaring op tot meer internationale coördinatie en solidariteit in het bestrijden…

5 years ago

Amref Partners with KBL to Distribute Hand Sanitisers in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements

Kenya continues to register increasing numbers of COVID-19 infection. By 30 March 2020, 50 cases of COVID-19 infection had been…

5 years ago