
Amref, Ccm e Ciai lanciano una raccolta fondi per l’Asl Città di Torino

Entro il 31 marzo le tre ong contano di poter chiudere la raccolta, auspicando una buona risposta da parte dei…

5 years ago

Tre ong unite in una raccolta fondi per la sanità pubblica italiana

Operano prevalentemente in Africa, Oriente, America Latina. Ma oggi, in una situazione come quella che stiamo vivendo nel nostro Paese,…

5 years ago

Innovate For Life announces finalists for 2020

Innovate for Life in partnership with The Elsevier Foundation, Mettā Nairobi and Accenture Development Partnerships announced the finalists for Innovate…

5 years ago

Tuskys forges partnership with Amref to curb Coronavirus pandemic

Local retailer Tusker Mattresses Group and Amref Health Africa in Kenya has announced a working partnership leveraging mutual capacities to…

5 years ago

Amref Flying Doctors traint zorgverleners in Afrika op coronabestrijding

De grootste Afrikaanse gezondheidsorganisatie streeft ernaar om 26.000 zorgverleners in Kenia te trainen om zo het coronavirus tegen te gaan.…

5 years ago

Amref Health Africa Partners with Kenya’s Ministry of Health on COVID-19 Response

Update as of March 17, 2020 Following Amref Health Africa’s commitment to support Kenya’s efforts in responding to the Coronavirus…

5 years ago

Amref hailed for improving health of women, girls

MISUNGWI District Council in Mwanza Region has hailed Amref Health Africa- Tanzania for improving the wellbeing of women and girls…

5 years ago

Ecco come la tecnologia combatte il coronavirus in Africa. Parla Micucci (Amref)

Coronavirus has landed in Africa, as in the whole world. In Kenya, the Ministry of Health has launched the Leap…

5 years ago

Amref Health Africa Supporting Ministries of Health in Africa in strengthening response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the African Continent

Nairobi, Kenya, 13 March 2020- The novel coronavirus has now reached the African continent with confirmed cases of the disease,…

5 years ago

Giobbe Covatta, il libro dedicato all’attore edito da Asylum Press Editor

Asylum Press Editor annuncia l’uscita del volume Giobbe Covatta – Un bianco in nero, nuovo albo del marchio editoriale dedicato ad uno…

5 years ago