
Etiopía tiene un plan: acabar con la mutilación genital femenina en 2025

La Cooperación Española en Etiopía dedica esfuerzos para poner fin a la violación grave d ellos derechos humanos que supone…

5 years ago

Giornata mondiale contro la MGF, 200 milioni di donne le hanno subite

Zero tolleranza verso una delle forme più drammatiche di violenza sulle donne: le mutilazioni genitali femminili (FGM). In occasione della…

5 years ago

Il 6 febbraio ci ricorda il bisogno di non dimenticare le vittime dell'infibulazione

Il 6 febbraio si celebra in tutto il mondo la Giornata Mondiale contro l’infibulazione e le mutilazioni genitali femminili. L’Organizzazione…

5 years ago

Now your own blood can save you

Now your own blood can save you: autotransfusion device Hemafuse will revolutionize blood access across Africa, now available in Ghana…

5 years ago

Amref Health Africa Named among Kenya’s top NGO Sector Players (2018/19)

Organised by Kenya’s Nongovernmental Organisation (NGO) Coordination Board, the NGO Week 2020 was held from 27th to 31st January 2020…

5 years ago

Berry Lommerse fietst voor Afrika

VOGELENZANG Berry Lommerse is de laatste tijd veel op de fiets te vinden. Er moet flink getraind worden, want in…

5 years ago

Special day will boost efforts in neglected tropical diseases war

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) are a diverse group of ancient communicable diseases that threaten 1.6 billion people in the tropical…

5 years ago

Linda Hummel over fondsenwerving: Passie combineren met professionaliteit bij Amref Health Africa

In Vakblad fondsenwerving zetten we de fondsenwervers centraal, met persoonlijke verhalen over wat hen beweegt, waarom ze dit werk doen…

5 years ago

200 000 morts chaque année : donner la vie, un exercice périlleux pour de nombreuses femmes en Afrique

Selon les spécialistes, 80% de ces décès pourraient être évités grâce à des sages-femmes qui manquent cruellement dans les salles…

5 years ago

Kenya First Lady Donates Life-Saving Auto Transfusion Surgical Device

The First Lady’s Beyond Zero Kenya initiative has donated an autotransfusion surgical device - HEMAFUSE - to Mama Lucy Kibaki…

5 years ago