
Eerste studenten geslaagd aan Amref International University

Nergens ter wereld zijn er zo weinig artsen, verpleegkundigen en verloskundigen per hoofd van de bevolking als in Afrika. De…

5 years ago

Africa, tutto quello che non vediamo

Le informazioni sull’Africa sono poche, contraddittorie e in molte occasioni superficiali. L’Africa è raccontata, spesso, o in modo un po’…

5 years ago

Making a difference

Tiglu Haile is the project manager of Access, Service, and Utilization of Reproductive Health (ASURE), an initiative of Amref in…

5 years ago

Amref Partners with Ministry of Health to Train National Youth Service Recruits in Community Health

For the first time in the history of Kenya’s National Youth Service (NYS), a group of 2,000 servicemen and women…

5 years ago

Kenyan Health Organisations Launch Social Accountability Platform for Universal Health Coverage

Social accountability for health is still a relatively new practice in Kenya and indeed across the African continent. Kenya continues…

5 years ago

Conclusa la prima parte di “Pagine a colori”

Tarquinia – Tra incontri, mostre, proiezioni e laboratori didattici si è conclusa a Tarquinia la prima parte di “Pagine a colori”,…

5 years ago

Da Angiolini a Rossi Stuart: otto vip scrivono favole per Amref

Ambra Angiolini ,  Enrico Brignano ,  Carolina Crescentini ,  Simone Cristicchi , Loretta Goggi ,  Mario Lavezzi , Gerry Scotti…

5 years ago

Kajiado County Enacts Policy to End Female Genital Mutilation

It is estimated that 100,000 girls undergo female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Kenya every year.   The Kenya Demographic and Health Survey…

5 years ago

First Lady reaffirms her commitment to maternal healthcare

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta has reaffirmed her commitment to ensuring mothers have access to antenatal care and skilled deliveries so…

5 years ago

A healthy and strong Africa for everyone

Amref Health Africa continues to work hand in hand with communities it serves to better their quality of life as…

5 years ago