
Contraceptives aren’t just about population

According to the Ministry of Health, an estimated 62 per cent of Kenyan women use modern family planning methods, making…

5 years ago

Gli auguri del Comitato Editoriale per i nostri 25 anni

Giovanna Melandri - Presidente Human Foundation e Social Impact Agenda per l'Italia e membro del Board of Trustees del GSGCon…

5 years ago

Kakamega ndio kitovu cha mimba za mapema

Zaidi ya wasichana 20,000 hupachikwa mimba kila mwaka katika kaunti ya Kakamega asilimia kubwa wakiwa wamo chini ya miaka 16.…

5 years ago

Il futuro inizia dai bambini

“Un bambino non può dormire senza aver mangiato”, dichiara uno dei tanti bambini protagonisti del nuovo video di Amref, con…

5 years ago

We can protect dignity through sanitation

Although we are more open about erstwhile taboo subjects than we were a generation ago, it is still easier to…

5 years ago

Safe sanitation through public-private partnerships

A toilet is not just a toilet. It’s a life-saver, dignity-protector and opportunity-maker. Whoever you are, wherever you are, sanitation…

5 years ago

The Toilet Business: What Can a Single Toilet Do

Mr Wanyama, a resident of Ochude Village in Busia County, wants an improved toilet. Wanyama then realises he does not…

5 years ago

South Sudan, water has swallowed whole villages: nearly one million people are affected

ROME – A nation already tormented by years of civil war has struck a real catastrophe. A state of emergency…

5 years ago

Uganda Holds Inaugural National Conference on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Dr Gitahi called for investment, training and utilization of nurses, midwives and community health workers (CHWs) saying they are critical…

5 years ago

Nice Leng’ete weigerde zich te laten besnijden: hoe zij ‘the cut’ verjoeg

Eén vrouw wist een hele Masaigemeenschap ervan te overtuigen meisjes niet meer te besnijden. ‘Geduld is het sleutelwoord.’ Hanneke Keultjes…

5 years ago