
Cyclists Ride in Nairobi Asking Government to Accelerate Empowering women, girls…

A week ago, over 500 cyclists took to the city roads to urge the government to speed up the promises…

5 years ago

Coming up at AidEx Brussels 2019 next week

This year AidEx is excited to welcome thousands of experts from across the international community under one roof in Belgium…

5 years ago

Reaching more than 8 million children with the Measles Rubella vaccines

Evaline William sits on a wooden bench at a vaccination point, carrying on her lap two-year-old, Precious Wolfgang. The congestion…

5 years ago

Minister explains why Ebola fight was a success

KAMPALA - When the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease was confirmed in Uganda in June this year, the government…

5 years ago

Samburu County Health Team Makes Inaugural Learning Exchange Visit to Turkana County

Samburu and Turkana counties face similar social, cultural, economic and climatic challenges which are the contributing factors to the livelihood…

5 years ago

In viaggio in Kenya con Simone Cristicchi: «Gli occhi fieri dei bambini»

Il cantautore romano, nuovo volto della campagna «Non aiutateci per carità», è stato in Africa con Amref. E qui in…

5 years ago

Africa: quando i media raccontano lo stereotipo

Cosa sappiamo davvero dell’Africa? Quale Africa ci viene raccontata dai media e dalla fiction? Di quale Africa parliamo sui social?…

5 years ago

A First for Garissa County as Resident Surgeons are trained on Fistula Management

Garissa County Referral Hospital will be the first ever-public hospital in Garissa County to have Resident Fistula surgeons A major…

5 years ago

L’Africa nei media? Poca e mal raccontata

Una delle immagini tratte dal Rapporto "L'Africa MEDIAta". In apertura: la copertina della ricerca di Amref e Osservatorio di Pavia.…

5 years ago


I det nya numret av Allt om MTB som kommer i butik nästa vecka kan du bland annat läsa om…

5 years ago