Medical Supplies delivered to Mandera for Cholera Epidemic Response

Amref Health Africa yesterday delivered a consignment of supplies to support the Mandera County in controlling and managing the ongoing cholera outbreak.

Mandera has been hit by a health crisis of epidemic proportions with 11 people having died from cholera and more than 734 people infected. The Mandera County hospital is struggling to cope with the heavy influx of patients, with many being treated in makeshift wards in the compound of the hospital.

Amref Health Africa yesterday delivered a consignment of supplies to support the Mandera County in controlling and managing the ongoing cholera outbreak.

Mandera has been hit by a health crisis of epidemic proportions with 11 people having died from cholera and more than 730 people infected. The Mandera County hospital is struggling to cope with the heavy influx of patients, with many being treated in makeshift wards in the compound of the hospital.

Amref Health Africa Group CEO Dr Githinji Gitahi handed over the consignment to Mandera Governor Ali Roba at the Mandera County Hospital, where a maternal shelter built by the USAID-funded APHIAplus IMARISHA project has been turned into a cholera isolation ward.

The outbreak is stern test on the strength and resilience of the health system and also of the ability of the community to manage disease prevention, promote good health and access health facilities when needed. As part of our emergency response, we’ve been working with the County government to provide health supplies in the form of IV fluids, antibiotics and other drugs, protective gear for personnel, and shelters for isolation of patients,” said Dr Gitahi.

Governor Roba thanked Amref Health Africa for its support to the county, which he noted goes back many years.

The medical consignment was transported aboard an AMREF Flying Doctors aircraft. Another consignment from Amref Health Africa and also supplies and equipment from the Government will be delivered to Mandera tomorrow. In addition Amref is sending a team to strengthen the capacity of the health personnel in Mandera, particularly in diagnostics services and training of health workers.

Amref Health Africa has sent out an appeal for US$250,000 to purchase supplies and provide training and other technical support to the Mandera County in controlling and ending the outbreak. To support go here.

Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa teams up with African communities to create lasting health change.

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