Amref Health Africa is pleased to be participating in the Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research from November 14 to 18, 2016 in Vancouver, Canada.
The Symposium, organized by Health Systems Global, brings together experts under the theme “Resilient and Responsive Health Systems for a Changing World.”
Tuesday, November 15
Harmonization in action: working together to build the community health workforce (Satellite Session)
Who: Jackline Kiarie, Product Development and Delivery Lead, Amref Health Africa
When: 13:00 to17:00
Where: Room1415, SFU-Harbour
Thursday, November 17
Innovation in health worker training programs in Africa; experiences in the implementation and scale of the Health Enablement and Learning Platform (HELP) mobile solution, Kenya. (E-Poster Presentation) (Abstract ID 1237)
Who: Jackline Kiarie, Product Development and Delivery Lead, Amref Health Africa (bio)
When: 12:30 to14:00
Where: Screen #4, Marketplace, Exhibition Hall B, Vancouver Convention Centre East Building
Friday, November 18
Improving Postnatal Care uptake using service improvement strategies: a pilot study in rural health facilities in Kisoro District South Western Uganda.(ll-ir141) (Poster Presentation)
Improving timely attendance of 1st ANC using collaborative quality improvement approach in rural health facilities in South Western Uganda (ll-ip51) (Poster Presentation)
By: Margaret Mugisa, Project Manager MCH Projects, Amref Health Africa in Uganda (bio)
When: 12:00 to 13:30
Where: Marketplace, Exhibition Hall B, Vancouver Convention Centre East Building
Factors Influencing Deliveries at Health Facilities among Rural Maasai Communities in Magadi Sub-County, Kenya (E-Poster Presentation) (Abstract ID: 3399)
By: Sarah Karanja, Research Officer, Amref Health Africa in Kenya (bio)
When: 12:00 to 13:30
Where: Screen #2, Marketplace, Exhibition Hall B, Vancouver Convention Centre East Building (View this e-poster online now)
Engagement communautaire dans la riposte contre ebola en guinee. Comment les reticences ont ete enlevees?
(Oral Presentation)
By: Dr. Sylla Thiam, Country Director, Amref Health Africa in West Africa (bio)
When: 13:30 to 15:00
Where: Room 14, Vancouver Convention Centre