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Lomidat Slaughter House


The Lomidat slaughterhouse located in Lokichoggio in Turkana County is a class “A” abattoir and is committed to producing high integrity, export quality meat and meat products that are defined by their quality assurance, and their timely and consistent supply to the satisfaction of its customers.



The Lomidat slaughterhouse is located in Lokichoggio in Turkana County which is the north-western most district in Kenya, bordered by Uganda to the west; South Sudan and Ethiopia to the north and northeast; and Lake Turkana to the east. To the south and east, neighbouring districts in Kenya are West Pokot, Baringo and Samburu districts. Turkana is the second largest county in Kenya with an area of about 77,000 km².



To meet the socio-economic needs of the pastoralist livestock farmers through sustained livestock marketing.
LSH is committed to producing high integrity, export quality meat and meat products that are defined by their quality assurance, and their timely and consistent supply to the satisfaction of its customers.


“Bringing a better life to pastoralists”


Lomidat deals in the procurement of livestock (cattle, sheep and goats, and in the near future camels) that are hygienically slaughtered and inspected by the veterinary officers (both ante mortem and postmortem). Resultant products and byproducts are value added and sold.
Adopting high quality slaughtering machines for quick and hygienic slaughter, the following products are derived:

  • Healthy carcasses: beef, chevron, lamb and mutton sold as chilled/frozen carcasses or primal and retail cuts or value added into processed products
  • Clean offal: tripe, liver, lungs among others sold as is or in the production of pet foods
  • Horns, hooves and bones: as ornaments made by a group of local youths
  • Hides and skins: sold dry or green to the local community
  • Blood: dried and stored as fertilizer
  • Waste water, dung and gastro intestinal (GIT) matter: liquid waste is discharged into the lagoons while dung and GIT matter is stored in manure sheds.

Products in the pipeline – as Lomidat develops further, additional projects will be developed including a moderate rural tannery, a biogas plant, and a green house.


Lomidat increasingly adds value to products under product diversification to give its clients a wide product range while at the same time offering samples of native Turkana products. Some of the successful products include:


Biltong: stripped meat that is marinated to give it the South African coriander taste and naturally sundried under Turkana hot temperatures – is a Lomidat success story attracting native Turkanas and the country at large, including foreigners


Sausages: developed and appreciated across the board with its modern taste coupled with Turkana organic meat
Beef dripping and oleo fat: produced from body and kidney fat for pastoralists to further enjoy their products


Products in the pipeline include: blood pudding, Polony, smoked products, frankfurters and other sausage products


Being located in a pastoral area with adverse weather conditions, Lomidat is faced with fluctuating livestock quality and in some cases total scarcity, making it difficult to continuously satisfy the market. Pastoral animals trek long distances, so while organic and tasty, their meat is tough.

To mitigate this, Lomidat has invested in the following:

  • Chiller (for ageing and tenderizing/improving meat palatability)
  • Freezer room for hard freezing meat cuts and carcasses
  • Holding room for hard frozen products to ensure continuous supply of products to clients and the selling aged/tender meat to its clients

Lomidat supplies its high quality products to Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret among other big towns in Kenya where it has established links with reliable distributors. It also supplies its products to hotels, camps and the local community in Lokichoggio and other parts of Turkana


Product marketing has enhanced livestock procurement with Turkana pastoralists gradually being economically empowered and the profits from the slaughterhouse are ploughed back to the community.
The Lomidat slaughterhouse is in the process of acquiring an export license to enable it export its products outside Kenya and expand its markets with the aim of ensuring better returns for the community.
Get your quality organic meat and meat products today: Our Meat, Our Factory, Our County, Our Country
TELEPHONE NO: +254 712 480 636
A registered society for the people of Turkana, the legal body by which the Turkana people own Turkana Meat Processors Company Limited, Trading as Lomidat Slaughterhouse.HISTORY OF THE ORGANIZATION
Lomidat Pastoral Multipurpose Co-operative Society (LPMCS) Limited is a fully registered cooperative society operating in greater Turkana County, working with pastoralists to improve their economic livelihoods. The society was registered on 8th June 2005 under the Co-operative Societies Act (cap. 490, section 6(3).
The Co-operative is comprised of 9 board of directors; and 3 supervisory committee members. Since 2005, the Co-operative has been engaged in sensitizing and mobilizing members, who currently stand at:-MEMBERSHIP DETAILS
Total number of members 1,600
Number of active members 900
To reduce the current dependency of the local population on food aid and emergency interventions.
This is done by ensuring the sustainable integration of pastoralists in the meat marketing networks, and the utilization of animal by-products in the production of valuable merchandise, thus creating jobs and building the capacity of pastoralists.

Start-up and operationalise an export class abattoir in Lokichoggio where the community members are directly and indirectly employed
Livestock procurement providing a ready market for pastoralists
Livestock market sensitization/ mobilization, with trained Animal Health Assistants.
Provide training for the youth and women to fully equip them for the continuity of the slaughterhouse operations, specifically in the areas of meat and meat products/ value addition
Facilitate and co-coordinate livestock marketing through Livestock Marketing Associations (LMAS) for trade
Empower youth and women in animal health and production by training and involving them as Community-based Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) for income generation
Mobilize members to take loans from micro- finance institutions so as to support their income generating activities
Provide an alternative source of livelihood to the community so as not to be part of cattle rustling but cattle trading
Reduce insecurity by engaging the members in profitable ventures

Sensitization of pastoralists on animal health and animal products
Community dialogue on animal health and production
Exposure visits for pastoralists and Community-based Animal Health Workers to Lomidat slaughterhouse
Training of youth on their rights and responsibilities as Co-operative members i.e. bringing animal to the slaughterhouse and raising capital in form of cash or animal
Community mobilization of pastoralists to join and become new members of the Co- operative
Monitoring and evaluation of Community- based Animal Health Workers

Other Achievements include
Community dialogue meetings on livestock markets, sitting of sale yards
Building of peripheral centers in Lokangae, Kanakurudio, Lokori, Namorouputh and refurbishing Kakuma sale yard for ease of market access
Building holding grounds for Lomidat, where livestock awaiting slaughter can graze
Training 35 Livestock Marketing Association Executives – all youth
Training 300 pastoralists/ youth on natural resources management
Operating slaughterhouse at Lomidat and marketing meat in Turkana, providing locals with access to properly inspected meat as well as sampling the variety of produce that to date has remained largely for the affluent
Trained 29 flayers – all youth from the local community
Trained 15 Animals Health Assistants – all youth from the local community
Trained 50 Community-based Animals Health Workers
Employed 18 flayers – all youth from the local community
Secured for the Society 1000 acres of land allocated for: Slaughterhouse – 300 acres; Holding ground – 600 acres; Cottage industry -100 acresGovernance of the society
The organization’s governance is ensured by the following: Members, Board of Directors, Technical Staff and Subordinate Staff.The Annual General Council
The Annual General Council is the supreme body for decision making. The meeting of this body is held annually to take decisions for the organization.The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the second body in the hierarchy of LPMCS. The meeting of the Board of Directors is held quarterly to discuss the progress of LPMCS activities.OUR PARTNERS AND DONORS:
Initiated by Amref Health Africa in Italy, Amref Health Africa in Kenya and Terra Nuova, the slaughterhouse is currently funded by Mr. Herbert Palfinger through Amref Health Africa in Austria. Other partners include the Turkana pastoralists, local traders, Turkana County Government, Turkana County Steering Committee, Ministry of Livestock
Development, Ministry of Co-operative Development, Arid Lands Resource Management Program (now National Drought Management Authority) and
other local and regional NGOs/institutions. Central government and local community have been involved in the project since its inception.
P.O BOX 52 – 30503 Lokichoggio
Physical location:
Lokichoggio town, former ICRC compound, near AIC Biblia Husema broadcasting 102.5 F.M.
Telephone No: +254 714 881 381
Email: Lomidatcoop@yahoo
Amref Health Africa

Amref Health Africa teams up with African communities to create lasting health change.

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