Amref Enterprises

Enhancing Youth Employability in Kenya: Amref Health Innovation and US Embassy in Kenya Join Forces

In a dynamic world driven by technology and rapid change, equipping young people with the necessary skills to thrive in…

2 years ago

Promoting Maternal and Child Health through Technology – the “LUCY Mobile Application”

In the serene hilly villages of Migori and Kisii counties, a digital revolution is underway, silently transforming the lives of…

2 years ago

Amref Health Africa And Roche East Africa Ink Partnership to Foster Inclusion of Health Workers with Disabilities

The partnership will see the engagement of health workers living with disabilities to promote cancer care and treatment Nairobi 5th…

3 years ago

Beyond Zero, AMREF to train health volunteers on COVID-19

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta’s Beyond Zero initiative has teamed up with the African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) to train…

5 years ago

Does health and technology go hand in hand? The rise of mHealth in developing countries

To what extent are digital technologies improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare in developing countries? AidEx spoke to Amref Health…

6 years ago