AMREF Tanzania

Amref to raise 1bn/- for maternal health in Zanzibar

Amref Health Africa in Tanzania will embark on an initiative to raise 1bn/- for funding programmes meant to improve maternal…

2 years ago

Amref Health Africa Tanzania hands over Biometric Fingerprint devices to further enhance HIV/AIDs Care

Amref Health Africa Tanzania, with support from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Centers…

2 years ago

U.S CDC Donates Methadone Dispensing Machine to Zanzibar

Amref Health Africa Tanzania, with support from PEPFAR its U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Afya Kamilifu project,…

2 years ago

Afrika kujadili athari mabadiliko ya tabia nchi sekta ya afya

Muktasari: Viongozi wa kisiasa, watunga sera, mashirika ya kiraia, wadau sekta ya afya na viongozi wa hali ya hewa wanatarajiwa…

2 years ago

Amref Health Africa Tanzania Launches  “Uzazi Ni Maisha Wogging Campaign” in Zanzibar

Themed “Support Medical Equipment and Supplies for Safe Delivery” Zanzibar, Tanzania – 12th July 2022 – Amref Health Tanzania in…

3 years ago

Amref Health Africa in Tanzania joins the world to commemorate the World Tuberculosis Day

March 24th, 2022: Amref Health Africa is joining the world to commemorate World TB Day, which takes place every March…

3 years ago

Support community health workers, Dodoma residents urged

DODOMA residents have been urged to give maximum support to Community-based Health Workers (CHW), who have decided to join hands…

3 years ago

Amref to offer Covid 19 vaccination services

Amref Health Africa Tanzania  through  the ‘Afya Kamilifu’ project  has extended  its services  by  including  COVID -19  vaccination services  to …

3 years ago

AMREF inavyosaidia mapambano ya UKIMWI Simiyu

*Asilimia 83 wanaoishi na VVU wanajua hali zao *Idadi ya wanaojitokeza kupima VVU nayo yaongezeka Na Derick Milton, Busega Mkoa…

3 years ago

Zanzibar VP amplifies campaign against NCDs

ZANZIBAR First Vice-President Othman Masoud Othman has appealed to citizens to avoid a lifestyle that could lead them to getting…

3 years ago