Several firms have moved to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic by working to provide sanitation equipment to the vulnerable public…
Investeren in internettoegang, cursussen online aanbieden en digitaal collecteren – flexibiliteit en aanpassingsvermogen zitten in het DNA van de sector.…
Veertig Nederlandse hulporganisaties roepen de overheid in een gemeenschappelijke verklaring op tot meer internationale coördinatie en solidariteit in het bestrijden…
The coronavirus pandemic is not a short term social disruption but it is going to take months before our lives…
To win the war against COVID-19, timely, balanced and factual information is critical, writes Elizabeth Ntonjira.
What if Coronavirus hits the poorest countries with its disruptive wave ? Nobody can provide a certain prediction, but surely…
By METTE KINOTI About a century ago, in 1920s China, a cadre of health workers emerged. Unlike trained doctors and…
L’Africa è il prossimo punto interrogativo sull’evoluzione della traiettoria della pandemia del coronavirus. Se finora il continente è stato relativamente…
KENYA – Si chiama Leap l’applicazione mobile utilizzata e promossa dall’organizzazione non governativa internazionale Amref Health Africa per la formazione…
En robotarm för att automatisera testerna av patienter med misstänkt coronasmitta, en informationskampanj till sjukvårdspersonal i Östafrika och ett system…