Long droughts push girls to FGM, early marriages

The scorching sun on the plains of Kajiado Central is unforgiving to teenage girls who trek for several kilometres across…

4 years ago

Women, Girls at Greater Risk of Intimate Partner Violence, FGM and Forced Marriage as Socioeconomic Effects of COVID-19 Persist

Studies by Amref Health Africa call for innovative approaches such as empowerment of Community Health Volunteers to ensure at-risk women,…

4 years ago

Alternative rite of passage saves 350 girls from FGM in Tanzania

ABOUT 350 girls aged between five and 18 have completed training on alternative rite of passage in Maasai community. Alternative…

4 years ago

End female genital fistula

What you need to know: Female Genital Fistula is a birth injury caused by prolonged and obstructed labour without access…

4 years ago

Amref Health Africa Welcomes High Court Ruling against Lawsuit Challenging Kenya’s Ban on FGM/C

Amref Health Africa has welcomed the judgment of the High Court of Kenya in the case Dr. Tatu Kamau v…

4 years ago

Covid-19 e mutilazioni genitali: le ragazze africane rischiano di più

Se la pandemia da coronavirus ha messo in ginocchio indistintamente tutti gli stati del mondo, sia in termini di salute,…

4 years ago

Celebrating the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

You’re obviously very passionate about the rights of women and girls, and eradication of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). Why is…

4 years ago

Activists turn to local campaigns to beat FGM in Kenya

Grassroots level organisations, rescue centres and other key stakeholders have been forced to change tactics and turn to short term…

4 years ago

Roaring success as Amref saves over 2,000 girls from FGM

AMREF Health Africa in Tanzania has in five years saved 2,090 girls from undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) among the…

4 years ago

Tanzania: Amref Saves 450 Girls From FGM In Tanga

AT least 450 Maasai girls in Handeni district, Tanga region have been saved from undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM). According…

4 years ago