Amref Health Africa Welcomes High Court Ruling against Lawsuit Challenging Kenya’s Ban on FGM/C

Amref Health Africa has welcomed the judgment of the High Court of Kenya in the case Dr. Tatu Kamau v…

4 years ago

Celebrating the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

You’re obviously very passionate about the rights of women and girls, and eradication of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). Why is…

4 years ago

Amref: «Lottiamo per salvare migliaia di bambine, donne del domani»

Nel mondo, 200 milioni di donne e bambine hanno subito mutilazioni genitali femminili; tra le vittime, 44 milioni sono bambine…

4 years ago

How COVID-19 is fuelling an increase in female genital mutilation/cutting and what we can do about it

By Dr Tammary Esho, Director, Amref Health Africa End FGM/C Centre of Excellence Nairobi, Kenya. After decades of progress in…

4 years ago

Kenya, si valuta l’impatto del COVID-19 sulla popolazione: aumentano i matrimoni forzati e la mutilazione genitale femminile

ROMA - A partire dal marzo 2020, Amref Health Africa ha condotto oltre 20 studi di ricerca su COVID-19, in…

4 years ago

Paola Magni: «Per contrastare le mutilazioni genitali femminili solo la legge non basta»

Le mutilazioni genitali femminili (FGM) sono la rimozione parziale o totale dei genitali esterni femminili e sono, in gran parte,…

5 years ago

Are we doing enough to attain zero tolerance to FGM/C?

FGM/C has been studied and researched to detail over the years. A lot is documented for our reading and understanding.

5 years ago

Nice Leng’ete weigerde zich te laten besnijden: hoe zij ‘the cut’ verjoeg

Eén vrouw wist een hele Masaigemeenschap ervan te overtuigen meisjes niet meer te besnijden. ‘Geduld is het sleutelwoord.’ Hanneke Keultjes…

5 years ago

Ending FGM/C By 2030: Uniting forces to make FGM/C a practice of the past

JOINT PRESS RELEASE June 4 2019, Vancouver, Canada 3.9 million girls are at risk of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) every…

6 years ago

The AHAIC Youth Pre-Conference held in Kigali, Rwanda

By Diram Duba, Adult Facilitator, Amref Health Africa in Kenya The Africa Health Agenda International Youth Pre-conference was held in Kigali,…

6 years ago