South Sudan

Malattie dimenticate, colpiscono più di un miliardo di esseri umani nei Paesi della povertà estrema e delle guerre

ROMA - E' un giorno, oggi, dedicato alla commemorazione dei progressi compiuti verso il controllo delle malattie dimentivate (NTD), ovvero…

4 years ago

Elimination of “river epilepsy” has started in South Sudan

Robert Colebunders, Global Health Institute, University of Antwerp. March 2020. In November 2013, I visited Mvolo, in South Sudan, in…

4 years ago

An interview with Dr Lul Lojok Deng, Director General, Public Health Laboratory and National Blood Transfusion Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan

In this exclusive interview, Dr Lul Lojok Deng talks about South Sudan’s journey in transforming Laboratory and Blood Transfusion Services.…

5 years ago

Community Vaccinators Taking the Lead on Children Immunisations

Determined to save the lives of children in his community, James Allex Abas has vaccinated 86 children in his household…

5 years ago

1000 girls thrive in Science Education in South Sudan

The grim reality in South Sudan is that an estimated seven girls per ten boys attend primary school and only…

5 years ago

Emanuele Barbati e il nuovo singolo “Libera” che sostiene l’istruzione femminile in Sud Sudan

“Libera” è il nuovo singolo scritto e interamente prodotto artisticamente da Emanuele Barbati, il brano dalle chiare sonorità alternative-pop strizza…

5 years ago

Over 600 Children Benefit from Nutrition Project in South Sudan

Meet Sylvia Tito Taban, a Nutrition Health Promoter (NHP) who has been trained by Amref Health Africa in South Sudan.…

5 years ago

Scholarship Transforms Lives of Disadvantaged Youth

It is early in the morning on 13 July 2019 and Maridi Health Science Institute (MHSI) is filled with proud…

5 years ago

Sud Sudan: sarà la volta buona

Oltre sei anni di conflitto civile, l’economia al collasso e la conseguente crisi umanitaria sono solo alcuni dei fattori che…

5 years ago

South Sudan, water has swallowed whole villages: nearly one million people are affected

ROME – A nation already tormented by years of civil war has struck a real catastrophe. A state of emergency…

5 years ago