
ISTAT Foundation Boosts AMREF Flying Doctors COVID-19 Response Capability

July 28 2020: The ISTAT Foundation has announced a USD70.000 grant to support AMREF Flying Doctors COVID-19 response. Since the…

5 years ago

Amref Health Africa Partners with Mastercard Foundation to help Flatten the COVID-19 Curve in Kenya

Nairobi, Tuesday 11 August 2020 Amref Health Africa, with support from Mastercard Foundation, will implement a one-year programme to train…

5 years ago

Why Kenya’s youth feel left out today

Dollarman Fatinato, 23, is a vocal advocate of youth reproductive health. Yet in the four years that he has knocked…

5 years ago

Ten Counties Engaged in Rollout of DFID and Unilever Supported Hygiene and Behaviour Change Interventions for COVID-19

By Rogers Moraro, Project Officer, HBCC Project Majority of Kenyans are now aware of COVID-19 and the key measures required…

5 years ago

Die Umrundung des Kilimanjaro – Schalksmühler fahren erst nächstes Jahr

Schalksmühle - Noch im Februar – vor Corona – hatten die beiden Schalksmühler Jochen Bernsdorf und Alexander Wuntke vor, im Oktober…

5 years ago


ROMA\ aise\ - Oltre sei anni di conflitto civile, l’economia al collasso, la crisi umanitaria, le epidemie, la carestia, le inondazioni,…

5 years ago

In Kenya, A Chance to See Communities Confront COVID-19

By Ernest Waititu, Staff at the Global Fund on 09 June 2020 It feels like a year ago now. But…

5 years ago

Settimana dell’allattamento al seno: i falsi miti da sfatare

“Sostieni l’allattamento al seno per un pianeta più sano": in occasione della Settimana mondiale dell'allattamento al seno Amref Health Africa…

5 years ago

Amref da associazione diventa fondazione di partecipazione

Amref diventa una Fondazione di Partecipazione. L'organizzazione - arrivata in Italia nel 1987, dopo essere nata a Nairobi nel 1957…

5 years ago

Free sanitary pads dispatched to northern Kenya

Sanitary towels remain a challenge for many young girls amid corona pandemic Women and girls in Samburu, Marsabit and Moyale…

5 years ago