NAPLES - From tomorrow to August 5, Lampedusa hosts the first edition of the International Documentary Festival, with the finalist…
Cancer has claimed the lives of several prominent Kenyans in recent times, in addition to the hundreds of others less…
Local non-profit, AMREF, last week marked a first in the local health sector through its collaboration with the public health…
Sabato 3 agosto in via Togni giardini di Villa Nuova Italia , il Gruppo AMREF Broni propone la tradizionale FESTA…
Ha pasado una década desde que Ferrovial arrancó su programa ‘Infraestructuras Sociales’ cuya finalidad era la mejora y ampliación de…
Op het moment dat dit verhaal online komt, ben ik in Afrika. Een langgekoesterde droom komt daarmee uit. In 2000…
The Public Health Officers and Technicians Council (PHOTC) and Amref Health Africa in Kenya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding…
More and more people are becoming victims of heavy emergency hospital bills as a result of low coverage (below 5%)…
Solidarietà e sport. É questo Africa Classic, avventura in bici nel cuore del continente africano. Il 2020 sarà l'anno dell'edizione…
Barbara Zanetti braucht nicht mehr vorgestellt zu werden. Die sozial engagierte, mehrfach mit Preisen bedachte Sängerin und Liedermacherin hat nicht…