
Cinema: a Lampedusa festival documentari su migrazioni

NAPLES - From tomorrow to August 5, Lampedusa hosts the first edition of the International Documentary Festival, with the finalist…

6 years ago

Calls to declare cancer a national disaster rise

Cancer has claimed the lives of several prominent Kenyans in recent times, in addition to the hundreds of others less…

6 years ago

Public health drives can boost sanitation

Local non-profit, AMREF, last week marked a first in the local health sector through its collaboration with the public health…

6 years ago


Sabato 3 agosto in via Togni giardini di Villa Nuova Italia , il Gruppo AMREF Broni propone la tradizionale FESTA…

6 years ago

Ferrovial beneficia a 225.000 personas con su programa de infraestructuras sociales

Ha pasado una década desde que Ferrovial arrancó su programa ‘Infraestructuras Sociales’ cuya finalidad era la mejora y ampliación de…

6 years ago

Out of Africa

Op het moment dat dit verhaal online komt, ben ik in Afrika. Een langgekoesterde droom komt daarmee uit. In 2000…

6 years ago

Amref Partners with Public Health Body to Scale up Sanitation Marketing Training

The Public Health Officers and Technicians Council (PHOTC) and Amref Health Africa in Kenya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding…

6 years ago

90% of Households in Samburu West at Risk of Health Related Financial Catastrophe

More and more people are becoming victims of heavy emergency hospital bills as a result of low coverage (below 5%)…

6 years ago

Nel cuore dell’Africa tra avventura e solidarietà

Solidarietà e sport. É questo Africa Classic, avventura in bici nel cuore del continente africano. Il 2020 sarà l'anno dell'edizione…

6 years ago

Hymne auf das Leben

Barbara Zanetti braucht nicht mehr vorgestellt zu werden. Die sozial engagierte, mehrfach mit Preisen bedachte Sängerin und Liedermacherin hat nicht…

6 years ago