Wearing of Masks Should Be Reduced and Vaccines Accelerated; Amref Health Says as They Give Reasons

by Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa now feels that the measures that were used to curb COVID-19 should be revised since the virus has changed from a pandemic and is slowly becoming an epidemic. They have admitted that masks properly won have played a very important part in protecting people and health systems but things have changed.

[Photo Courtesy]

They claim that as much as the COVID-19 infection is currently law in different countries, nations need to rethink about new strategies that will deal with the prevailing conditions of the virus like removing the mandatory wearing of masks and bringing in new policies like accelerating vaccines for all. Masks should be used indoors and in public places only.

[Photo Courtesy]

Amref says that masks are extremely useful but they must be utilized when they have highest effectiveness and low cost. According to them, masks have a negative impact on the environment when they are poorly disposed hence causing risks to


However, the masks should not be removed completely but they should be retained and used based on the data such as level of community transmission, location, vaccination rate, hospital capacity, emergence of a new variant that are circulating and a policy framework to guide decisions on when to escalate mandates and when to dis-calate them.

Source: https://twitter.com/Amref_Worldwide/status/1493194010084708355?t=uvM9JfruOesD8XN56KfOFQ&s=19

Article first published on https://ke.opera.news/ke/en/health/024c539dda8a1aca9e5436a40e67f610

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