25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)
25th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD)
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Hashtag: #EndFGM/C
Globally, at least 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone some form of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), while 3.9 million girls in Africa go through the horrific experience each year in Africa @WHO #EndFGM/C
#FGM/C violates the basic rights of girls and It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. #EndFGM/C
#FGM/C is performed on minors and is a violation of the rights of children. The practice also violates a person’s rights to health, security and physical integrity, the right to be free from torture and cruelty. #EndFGM/C
#FGM/C practice results to many deaths among girls as a result of excessive bleeding, infections, and later complications during birth. It strips off the girl’s dignity. #EndFGM
Governments, International Organizations & NGOs should develop policies and programs to eliminate #FGM/FGC and all forms of discrimination against the girl child [@UNFP]. #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
98% of women and girls in Somalia have been subjected to #FGM/C, therefore, proper structures should be instituted to develop alternative method of passage for the girl child [@UNDP]. #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Proper education and awareness should be developed to enlighten some communities in Kenya who believe that a woman cannot be married without undergoing #FGM/C [@UNICEF]. #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
The government and other bodies should join hands when fighting #FGM/C. The collaboration has yielded positive results in the past as there has been a decline in the number of #FGM/C cases from 32% in 2013 to 21% in 2014 (NCBI). #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Statistically, the cases of #FGM are prevalent among the Somalis (97%), Kisii (96%), Kuria (96%) and the Masaai (93%). These communities require keen attention when developing anti #FGM/C policies [@Unicef #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Application of knowledge through a common, coordinated approach with the UN and other like- minded organisations and institutions can generate positive social change at community, national and international levels and lead to abandonment of FGM #EndFGM/C
FGM/C is a painful and horrific experience for at least 3.9 million girls who go through it every year in In Kenya, the prevalence rate is 21%. The practice kills many girls as a result of bleeding, infections, and later complications during birth. #EndFGM/C
Combatting #FGM/C in Africa calls for developing alternative Rite of Passage approach which takes away the cut while retaining important aspects such as sexuality education, blessings by elders, and keeping girls in schools while preserving and protecting the good cultural values of communities
During #ICPD25 Summit, Amref will lead discussions with stakeholders and partners that will advocate for abandonment of FGM/C
At #ICPD25 in Nairobi? Sign up to the Global Platform for Action 🌍🌎🌏 to #EndFGMC, and be part of a united, global movement for change, so that all girls live free from this harmful practice #EndFGM #EndFGC #IMarchFor
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting can end by 2030 but it requires a whole community, a whole world 🌍🌎🌏, to take action. Sign up to the Global Call to Action to #EndFGMC and be part of the change. #EndFGM #EndFGC
3.9 million girls GLOBALLY are at risk of FGM/C each year. To help us reach our common goal of ending the practice by 2030, sign up 🖊️ to the Global Platform for Action to #EndFGMC today 🌍 , and support the call for change. #EndFGM #EndFGC
200 million women are affected globally. Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting cannot Today we launch the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C. Be part of the change. Sign up to our call to action: #EndFGM #EndFGC #ICPD25
Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) is a global issue that requires a global response. Sign up to the Global Platform for Action to End FGM/C, so all girls ♀ will live free from this harmful practice. #EndFGMC
Hashtag: #UHCInAfrica #Youth4UHC
In recognition of the challenges that African Communities face, youth are lead advocates for the achievement of #UHCInAfrica to promote access to primary health care
Over 800 million people (almost 12% of the world’s population) spent at least 10% of their household budgets to pay for health care. UHC is attainable. [@WHO]
#DYK? At least half of the world’s population still do not have full coverage of essential health services. #UHC allows everyone to obtain the health services they need, when and where they need them. [WHO] #UHCInAfrica
About 100 million people are still being pushed into extreme poverty (defined as living on 1.90 USD or less a day) because they have to pay for health care. #UHC means that all individuals & communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship [@WHO #UHCInAfrica
The adoption of the #NHIF policy by the Kenyan government has made it easier for women and youths to access health related services thus reducing the dangers associated with their inaccessibility. #UHCInAfrica #Youth4UHC
#AmrefAtICPD25 will offer youths a rare opportunity to engage and share their innovations and new ideas related to #UHC. #EndFGM/C #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
In pursuit of our vision of creating lasting health change in communities, we catalyse progress towards UHC through solutions in human resources for health, innovative health service delivery and health financing #UHCInAfrica
Success of #UHC depends on the ability to provide quality services to all people irrespective of their social and economic backgrounds #UHCInAfrica
For Africa to achieve #UHC, governments need to increase funding and domestic resources for healthcare to a recommended target of at least 5% of GDP #UHCInAfrica
Building #UHC in Africa starts with communities who need to be empowered to raise their voices & claim their right to health – to access quality health care services when & where needed without suffering financial hardship #UHCInAfrica
Meaningful Youth Engagement: Lessons from Kenya’s UHC Pilot We will be hosting a roundtable event to discuss the definition of meaningful engagement of youth in UHC policymaking processes and instituting scorecards to hold leaders accountable. Follow the event conversations on #UHCInAfrica #Youth4UHC
Transformational Leadership: Unlocking UHC for Africa’s Youth. Amref will participate at a side event aimed at consolidating youth’s voice around UHC #Youth4UHC. Follow conversations on #UHCInAfrica #Youth4UHC
Hashtags: #SRH4UHC #FP
214 million women of reproductive age in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy are not using a modern contraceptive method due to factors such as limited choice of methods, limited access to contraception, fear or experience of side-effects, and cultural or religious opposition @WHO #SRH4UHC
Contraceptive use has increased in many parts of the world, especially in Asia and Latin America, but continues to be low in sub-Saharan Africa @WHO #FP #SRH4UHC
The proportion of women aged 15–49 reporting use of a modern contraceptive method has risen minimally to 28.5% in 2008 from 23.6% in 2015 #WHO #FP #SRH4UHC
Africa’s unmet need for contraception is fuelled by growing population, and a shortage of family planning services. In Africa, 24.2% of women of reproductive age have an unmet need for modern contraception @WHO #FP #SRH4UHC
Family planning among couples help prevent unwanted pregnancies, enables women to have control over their fertility, reduces maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality, and gives women opportunities for education and employment. #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
Clear sources of information regarding family planning should be shared by all stakeholders to avoid propaganda and misinformation. #SRH4UHC #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
Health stakeholders should avail maternal health services – antenatal care, delivery care, postpartum care to improve the state of maternal health care in Africa and globally. #SRH4UHC #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
African Governments should improve infrastructure #hospitals to reduce distance covered by women when accessing health services in far rural settings. #SRH4UHC #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
Proper mechanisms should be instituted by governments to reduce the burdensome and humiliating justice systems when addressing sexual violence. #SRH4UHC #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
Sexual violence discredits human rights and should be avoided at all cost. #SRH4UHC #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25 #SRH4UHC
We believe in attainment of sexual and reproductive health as a basic human right and support the provision of quality comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services as an integral component of health care #FP #SRH4UHC
We work with governments and other partners to promote access to quality family planning services as an essential component of good reproductive health care #FP #SRH4UHC
We promote the right of men and women to be informed about and have access to safe, effective, affordable and acceptable family planning methods of their choice, and the right of women to access health care services that will enable them to proceed safely through pregnancy and childbirth, thus providing couples with the best chance of having healthy infants #FP #SRH4UHC
Listen Up, Uganda! Using Social Accountability for SRHR. Organised by Amref Health Africa Uganda and Kabale Women in Development, the session will engage participants to actively address policy issues in their own communities. Follow #SRH4UHC to give participate in the discussions
Panel Discussion on Young people at the center of Global HIV and SRHR response to achieve UHC. At #ICPD25,@Y-Act’s @EvalinKarijo will be on the panel to give reflection on the solutions highlighted by the young people and what can be done differently to enable access to information and services to them. #SRH4UHC
Hashtag: #Youth4Change
Children and youths are critical agents of change and will find the #ICPD25 Summit an ideal platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world #Youth4change #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
More institutions and networks of youth governance and advocacy should be developed by governments to enable their participation in matters that concern their wellbeing #Youth4change #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Youths have full rights to question their leadership on the commitments and services they offer their electorates. Sound judgements of their duties helps to spur development and accountability #Youth4change #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Sound servant and transformational leadership should be an ingredient of the global governments’ governance systems to foster transparency and accountability #Youth4change #AmrefICPD25 #ICPD25
Clear and factual information should be shared to the youths on #SRHR and #HIV, the awareness will enlighten then on what need to be done to stay safe and healthy. #Youth4Change #ICPD25
Governments and other stakeholders should partner to end gender based violence and harassment among the youths and women as a way of safeguarding their rights and self-worth. #Youth4Change #ICPD25
Youths to be good ambassadors, to promote and share the dangers associated with HIV and why #SRHR and #UHC should be advocated for with their peers using social media and other mediated channels of communications. #Youth4Change #ICPD25
Governments to create more friendly health care institutions where youths can readily access health services. Technology to be fully embraced by such health care institutions, majority of youths spend 60% of their active time online. #Youth4Change #ICPD25
Do you want your voice heard as a youth? Think no more, join the on-going #ICPD25 Youth Online Caravan for a meaningful discussion on population development and leadership. Link:
#ICPD25 Nairobi Summit recognizes youth’s efforts in keeping leaders accountable on their commitment. A call for servant and transformative
Happening now at #ICPD5! Y-Act in partnership with SAFAIDS and RESTLESS DEVELOPMENT are hosting a Youth skills building session under the theme “Power in Your Hands – Youth Leadership through Social Accountability”.