International Universal Health Coverage Day
December 12 is the anniversary of the first unanimous United Nations resolution calling for all nations to provide for their citizens affordable, quality health care.
International Universal Health Coverage Day
December 12 is the anniversary of the first unanimous United Nations resolution calling for all nations to provide for their citizens affordable, quality health care.
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Over 800 million people (almost 12% of the world’s population) spend at least 10% of their household budgets to pay for health care. #UHC is attainable [@WHO]. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
#DYK? At least half of the world’s population still do not have full coverage of essential health services. #UHC allows everyone to obtain the health services they need, when and where they need them [WHO]. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
About 100 million people are still being pushed into extreme poverty (defined as living on 1.90 USD or less a day) because they have to pay for health care. #UHC means that all individuals & communities receive the health services they need without suffering financial hardship [@WHO]. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Many people around the world still lack even basic access to care, innovative medicines and medical resources especially in the evolving healthcare systems of low-to middle-income countries. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Adapted from UHC Campaign Toolkit –

On 23 September, all @UN Member States came together to sign the most ambitious & comprehensive political declaration on health in history. This #UHCDay, let’s call on our leaders to #KeepThePromise. #HealthForAll
Every country is on the record committing to #HealthForAll. We have only one message for them: #KeepThePromise. #UHCDay #HealthForAll
We have made the case for #UHC ethically, economically and politically. Now is the time to deliver on that promise. #UHCDay #HealthForAll #KeepThePromise
#UHC is a nation’s promise to its people. It’s time that leaders kept their word. #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
No one, anywhere, should go bankrupt to get the health services they need. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
210M people worldwide must spend >25% of their household budget to get the health services they need. No one should have to choose between health & other necessities. #HealthForAll #KeepThePromise.
#UHCDay Reminder: We can’t #KeepThePromise of #HealthForAll w/out addressing social, economic & environmental determinants of health.
Health is a human right that too many people are waiting for. When will leaders keep the promise of #HealthForAll? #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
This #UHCDay, we have one message: #KeepThePromise of strong, equitable health systems that #LeaveNoOneBehind. #HealthForAll
No matter your gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability or citizenship, #HealthForAll means all people can get the health services they need, w/out discrimination or financial hardship. #HealthForAll #KeepThePromise
To secure #HealthForAll, we must build accountable & transparent institutions that can fight corruption and ensure social justice. #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
To #KeepThePromise of #HealthForAll, legislators must promote the responsible use of emerging technologies. This means stronger legislations that prioritise public safety & privacy over profit. #UHCDay
#PrimaryHealthCare can provide people with the right care, at the right time, right in their communities – and it’s one of the best ways to help people lead a healthy life. #KeepThePromise #HealthForAll
How do we achieve #HealthForAll? Stop chronic under-investment in the health workforce and employ 9 million additional nurses and midwives by 2030. #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Investing in a population’s health pays dividends to entire countries. #HealthForAll is not only the right choice, but the smart choice. #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Investing in #HealthForAll means investing in the capacity of policymakers, researchers, practitioners & health workers: the backbones of strong health systems. #KeepThePromise #UHCDay
This September, @UN Member States committed to providing 1 billion more people with quality, affordable health services by 2023. To achieve this, we must have meaningful participation and leadership from all stakeholders. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Achieving #HealthForAll is only possible when the right stakeholders are engaged. This means leveraging the strengths of civil society, the private sector, academia, local communities & health practitioners. #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
According to @WHO, 70% of the health and social workforce is comprised of women often in unpaid or underpaid positions. This is unacceptable. On #UHCDay, we demand investments in gender parity on the road to #HealthForAll. #KeepThePromise
On #UHCDay, we demand that world leaders #KeepThePromise to promote #genderequality when designing, implementing and monitoring health policies. This means taking into account the specific needs and rights of women and girls.
To celebrate #UHCDay in South Sudan, Amref is holding a capacity building workshop for over 50 nurses and midwives, through the South Sudan Nurses and Midwives Association (SSNMA) to generate understanding, awareness and grassroots demand for #UHC. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Globally, nurses and midwives make over 70% of the health care work force. Ensuring they have a better understanding about their role in #UHC will improve delivery of health services for all. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
The South Sudan nurses and midwives have launched the “Nursing Now Campaign” and developed a plan of action on how they could take action to promote and ensure achievement of #UHC. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Key discussions at the workshop include role of nurses and midwives in delivering health services for all including hard to reach areas, role of community in enhancing #UHC, pledge and support of the Government to #UHC in South Sudan & Gender Base Violence as a key issue in a humanitarian setting #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
As the lead in #UHC Global Health Agenda, we are proud of the progress made by several African countries towards ensuring universal access to health services. Botswana, Cote D’Ivoire, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Zambia & Mali have already integrated #UHC in their national plans. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
The Rwanda Government developed “Vision 2050” Strategy envisioning to raise Rwandese out of poverty & transform economy into a high income one. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
In Rwanda, Doctor to Patient ratio in Rwanda reduced from 1:16,001 in 2010 to 1: 8,919 in 2018. Nurse to Patient ratio reduced from 1:1,291 in 2010 to 1:1094 in 2018; Midwife to Patient ratio from 1:66749 in 2010 to 1:4064 in 2017. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Botswana adopted a primary health care approach to address both communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
With 2nd highest HIV prevalence in the world, Botswana launched HIV “Treat All Strategy” in 2016 to ensure all those who test positive get treatment no matter their viral load. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone developed a new 5 year strategy (2017-2021) to improve quality of health services & make these accessible, affordable & equitable to all. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Sierra Leone integrated SDGs into the 2016 National Budget and aligned them to Eight Pillars of the country’s 3rd Generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
In Sudan, UHC Partnership has supported the formulation of the National Health Policy 2017-2030, emphasizing the Health to All Policies approach. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Sudan created a national policy to provide selected medicines for free to children under 5, pregnant women & patients at emergency wards, or with malaria, TB or HIV/AIDs. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
The Zambia Government is implementing Social Health Insurance Model as a single pool, pro-poor program that ensures the cross subsidization amongst different population groups & protects beneficiaries from catastrophic expenses. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Zambia launched the National Health Care Package that specifies the basic & essential health care packages to be provided at different levels of health facilities. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Thousands of Kenyans are benefiting from the new National Hospital Insurance Fund’s contribution rates & expanded package, revised for 1st time in more than 25 years to include outpatient services & coverage for selected NCDs. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Kenya’s e-learning Nurse Upgrading Program that started as a pilot project has grown exponentially over the last six years and has graduated over 4,000 registered nurses. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Over 4,862 187 cases benefited from free health care initiatives in 2017 under Senegal’s Medical Assistance Policy compared with 2,697,309 in 2016. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
In 2017, 625 people in Senegal benefited from the free dialysis, including 73 through a partial subsidy in private facilities, 19,809 benefited from free caesarean section in public health structures against 3,485 in 2016. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
The Ghana Government provides free maternal delivery care services, allowing any pregnant woman to register with the National Health Insurance Scheme to access the services at no cost. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Children under 18, elderly and indigents in Ghana have free access to health services through the National Health Insurance Scheme. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Ethiopia has pursued an increased participation from NGOs and private sector as one of the strategies to avail health services to the people. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
In Ethiopia, partnerships between government and private organisations has proved effective in reaching needy populations with quality health services. #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Abenet Berhanu, Country Director, Uganda
#UHC is a big commitment by global leaders to make healthcare services accessible to all especially the marginalised and vulnerable communities. What does adoption of UHC Political Declaration by UN General Assembly mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Beatrice Gatumia, UHC Lead, Amref Enterprises Limited
#UHC to me means that the amputee I see sitting by the roadside can get the prosthetic they need without being impoverished and begging for money. What does UHC mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Dr George Kimathi, Director, ICD
The adoption of UHC Political Declaration by UN General Assembly is a landmark decision; it means that as Amref, we are able to reach ministries of health in our target countries and equip representatives with skills to provide leadership in delivering UHC to the population. What does adoption of UHC Political Declaration by UN General Assembly mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Evalin Karijo, Project Director, Y-Act
#UHC to me is when health is viewed as a right not a privilege. What does UHC mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Elizabeth Ntonjira, Head of Global Corporate Communications
Now, more than ever, stakeholder groups need tailored communication for policy champions to be able to realise changes in behaviors, attitude and knowledge in regards to UHC. What does UHC mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Mette Kinoti, Group Programmes Director
When we have community health workers linked to the health facilities, then we will have a substantial number of health staff to make UHC a reality at the community level. What does UHC mean to you? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise
Esther Munyiri, Manager, Amref Medical Centre
I would like UHC to concentrate on wellness allowing people to know their health status and taking preventative measures. What would you want to see in the future regarding UHC? #HealthForAll #UHCDay #KeepThePromise