COVID-19 has, undeniably, devastated the global economy, resulted in the loss of millions of lives, and …
Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa teams up with African communities to create lasting health change.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
“Un vaccino per il bene dell’Africa": la campagna per la salute globale
Auser scende in campo al fianco di Amref. Obiettivo dell’iniziativa, promuovere e finanziare interventi indispensabili allo …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
Managing the COVID-19 Vaccine Infodemic using Digital Learning
Authors: Leticia Buluma, Bernard Kikechi, Joyce Muthoni, Edna Osebe Underlining that the world is facing a …
Nairobi — Selon un rapport, moins de la moitié de la population africaine reçoit les services …
From Nei ching in 2700 BCE, considered by many to be the oldest, if not the …
As Malawi joins the rest of the world in commemorating World Malaria Day on Sunday, Amref …
Reversing the deepening climate change driven health crises. The Amref Health Africa voice on the world leaders’ climate change summit 2021
Authors: Prof. Joachim Osur, Technical Director, Amref Health Africa and, Martin Muchangi, Program Director WASH, Amref …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
In COVID-19 vaccine race, rollouts are sometimes an afterthought
The population in war-torn Yemen has paid a heavy price during the COVID-19 pandemic, partly due to …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
Kenya: Motorists Flouting Night Curfew in Nairobi Forced to Stay On the Road Until Midnight
Nairobi — Motorists caught up in the COVID-19 night curfew of 8 pm to 4 am …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) News
Community Health Volunteers in Kenya Receive Psychological First Aid Training Tailored for COVID-19
Community health volunteers and other key staff at the forefront of the novel coronavirus response in …