The Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly (WHA77)

May 27th - 30th, 2024

All for Health, Health for All

The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly (WHA) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 May to 1 June 2024, under the inspiring theme: “All for Health, Health for All”. The WHA provides a unique platform for collaborative efforts to enhance health outcomes worldwide. This year, Amref Health Africa, in partnership with key stakeholders, will host a series of high-level dialogues addressing pressing public health challenges facing Africa. These side-events are essential for fostering innovative solutions and strengthening partnerships that will ignite a movement towards a more equitable world, and a healthier future for all of Africa.

For more information about our side-events, click here.

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Key messages & Tweets

Excited to explore the power of south-south collaboration at #WHA77? Join us as we dive into cross-country learning for sustainable health system reforms towards #UHC in LMICs. Insights from JLN, SPARC, and UHC Lab. Let’s illuminate the path to global health goals!

Don't miss our session on South-South Collaboration at #WHA77! Learn how platforms like JLN, SPARC, and UHC Lab are driving knowledge-sharing and health system reforms in LMICs. Be part of the conversation and help shape the future of #UHC!

We are excited to announce our side-event at #WHA77: “Driving Local Impact Towards Global Health Equity” with City Cancer Challenge! Join us to unite diverse sectors and drive grassroots transformations in Africa.

Don’t miss our event at #WHA77! Engage in interactive sessions and network with key stakeholders to share strategies for impactful health interventions. Together, we can achieve #GlobalHealth equity with a focus on localization

Join us at #WHA77! As a session co-hosted by @MOH_Kenya, we’ll tackle maternal and neonatal mortality in Africa. Engage in discussions on key interventions and investments needed to meet #SDG targets. Let's make a difference!

At #WHA77, we’re focusing on reducing maternal and neonatal deaths in Africa. High-level discussions and commitments will drive the change needed. Join the conversations via #AmrefAtWHA77 to support critical health initiatives and shape the future of maternal and neonatal health!

Join the fight to tackle antimicrobial resistance in Africa! Co-hosted by @Amref_Worldwide & @GSK, this session will highlight the "African Leadership for AMR Action" initiative to mobilize support and align on strategies for a healthier future!

Antimicrobial resistance poses a major threat, especially in Africa. Follow @Amref_Worldwide & @GSK for #WHA77 conversations on insights on coordinated strategies and collective action to tackle antimicrobial resistance. Together, we can safeguard the health of our communities!

Over half of the world lacks quality care, and Kenya's health insurance coverage is below 30%. What are some of the policy reforms and grassroots engagement strategies that are transforming healthcare delivery? If you are at #WHA77, don’t miss this session

Exciting reforms in Kenya's healthcare system aim to enhance resources and expand access. Join dynamic discussions at #WHA77 to learn about global best practices and innovative tools from @Amref_Worldwide's UHC Lab.

The intersection of climate change and malaria demands urgent action. Join us at the regional roundtable to discuss innovative eradication strategies and mobilize political will in tackling the malaria crisis. !

Projections show a stark rise in malaria deaths due to climate change. Let's foster collaboration and drive climate-resilient malaria control efforts. Join us in catalyzing change!


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