The Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly (WHA77)

by Amref Health Africa

The Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly (WHA77)

This year, amidst the gathering of world’s health leaders at the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, Amref Health Africa, in collaboration with esteemed partners, are poised to make a significant impact on the global stage, through a series of dynamic side events.

Our goal is clear: to catalyze substantial change and shape global health policies. Our sessions are designed to address the most urgent health challenges facing Africa, from combating infectious diseases to exploring the nexus of climate change and health and promoting maternal and child health. These discussions are not just conversations; they’re the sparks that will ignite a movement towards a healthier future for all of Africa.

Curious to know more? Check out the highlights of the sessions below.

Get involved in the conversation online using the hashtags #AmrefAtWHA77 and #WHA77, and connect with us at @Amref_Worldwide.


Day One

In the face of recent global health crises, the call for a unified yet localized approach to healthcare has never been louder. Amref Health Africa and City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) are answering this call by hosting an innovative side-event at WHA77 titled “Driving Local Impact Towards Global Health Equity” This event is not just a meeting; it’s a catalyst for change, uniting diverse sectors and stakeholders to foster positive, grassroots-level transformations in the fight against both communicable and non-communicable diseases in Africa. This side-event promises to be an engaging experience, with interactive sessions and networking opportunities aimed at sharing strategies and experiences. It’s a platform for stakeholders to gain insights and tools necessary for impactful health interventions, driving towards global health equity with a focus on localization.
Registration Closed
This session focuses into the transformative power of south-south collaboration, specifically through cross-country learning, in fostering sustainable health system reforms towards universal health coverage (UHC) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). We'll explore dynamic approaches to knowledge sharing, drawing from experiences with platforms like the Joint Learning Network for UHC (JLN), Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Centre (SPARC), and the Universal Health Coverage Lab (UHC Lab), and showcase practical insights and lessons learned, emphasizing the importance of adaptive learning methodologies and participatory engagement. We invite you to join the session as we illuminate the path towards sustainable health systems and collective global health goals.

This side event at the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA), co-hosted by Amref Health Africa and the Ministry of Health Kenya, aims to discuss solutions that would help to address the critical challenge of maternal and neonatal mortality in Africa. Despite global efforts, many countries are off track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targets for reducing maternal and child mortality by 2030. In sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Kenya, maternal mortality remains high, with a ratio of 355 deaths per 100,000 live births, and neonatal mortality rates also exceed SDG targets. The session will explore the effectiveness of past resolutions and interventions, examining key levers for success and discussing how maternal and neonatal health financing can be shaped to achieve SDG targets. Additionally, using Kenya as a case study, the session will delve into game-changing interventions and necessary investments to reduce maternal and neonatal deaths. The purpose of the session is to convene key stakeholders to engage in high-level discussions, commitments, and investments aimed at accelerating the reduction of maternal and neonatal deaths in Africa. Through this, the session seeks to generate commitment and investment, fostering political commitment and mobilizing resources from various stakeholders. Expected outcomes include enhanced political commitment to prioritize maternal and neonatal health on national agendas, increased investment in initiatives to improve outcomes, identification of institutional solutions through shared experiences, and the launch of a regional initiative to support African Member States in meeting SDG targets.

Day Two

This pivotal side-event seeks to address the urgent global health crisis posed by antimicrobial resistance, particularly acute in low- and middle-income countries. With Africa projected to bear the highest burden of AMR-related deaths by 2050, the session emphasizes the critical need for coordinated strategies and collective action. Co-hosted by Amref Health Africa and GSK, the session will spotlight insights and gather inputs to bolster AMR action across the African region. Amref and GSK spearheads the "African Leadership for AMR Action" initiative, a 13-month endeavor aiming to strengthen locally-led AMR programs, informed by region-wide landscape analysis. Insights gleaned from a region-wide landscape analysis will inform discussions on priority strategic information and the design of a messaging framework, culminating in the formation of a regional action group. By convening high-level stakeholders from government, civil society, and the private sector, the session aims to align on key priorities and mobilize support for AMR response, marking a crucial step in safeguarding public health through collaborative efforts.

Invites Only

With the urgency of climate change as a backdrop, this event will mobilize action to bolster health systems against climate threats. Through the collaborative effort of the World Health Organization, the Global Fund, and the Green Climate Fund, alongside Amref Health Africa, the session will bring together a diverse group of policymakers, experts, and financiers. Discussions will pivot on the outcomes of COP28, African leadership in climate-health initiatives, and the anticipated WHA resolution on climate and health. Looking ahead to COP29 and beyond, the session is poised to elevate the role of health in climate discourse, advocating for it to be a cornerstone of mitigation, adaptation, and finance strategies. Participants will engage in dynamic discussions and networking, aiming to forge robust financial partnerships and advance climate-health priorities, setting a course for resilient health systems in an era of climate change.

Closed Session

Fully Booked

At the 77th World Health Assembly, Amref Health Africa hosts Ministers of Health from across Africa to address the evolving challenges of navigating the complex landscape of global health. Stemming from the groundbreaking initiative at the 2023 Africa Health Agenda International Conference, the African Health Leadership Policy Forum (AHLPF) has emerged as a beacon of collaboration and shared expertise and experience among the ministers. Rooted in the ethos of ubuntu, this forum fosters a sense of community among leaders, providing a platform for self-directed peer learning and invaluable exchange of lived experiences.

Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the AHLPF's mandate expanded to encompass critical discussions on the Ministerial Masterclass handbook, joint lessons in community health systems, and the forthcoming Pandemic Treaty and Global Health Security, setting the stage for strategic collaboration and impactful decision-making.

With an agenda brimming with urgency and relevance, the AHLPF delegates converge to review key proposals, share insights on informal gatherings for senior policymakers, and strategize for upcoming regional committee meetings. As leaders chart a course through uncharted waters, the AHLPF serves as a catalyst for innovative solutions and collective action, ensuring that decisions made at the highest levels are grounded in evidence, informed by experience, and poised to shape the future of global health. In this dynamic exchange of ideas and collaboration, the AHLPF reaffirms its commitment to advancing health equity, strengthening health systems, and forging resilient communities across the African continent and beyond.

Closed Session

Integrating clinical labs into disease surveillance networks can create robust early warning systems, crucial for timely disease detection and containment. Our advocacy efforts at WHA77 will emphasize the impact of lab investments on reducing disease spread and mortality, highlighting gaps like sample storage infrastructure to garner support for improvements. Furthermore, we seek to foster partnerships and knowledge-sharing initiatives that can replicate successful models, like public-private partnerships in India and Thailand, and integrate testing services into primary healthcare, enhancing accessibility and detection capabilities, as seen in Tanzania and Nepal. At WHA, we will engage with donor agencies for increased investments in lab infrastructure, training, and quality assurance measures that can mitigate economic losses and ensure swift response to outbreaks. We invite you to join us in facilitating knowledge exchange and advocate for reforms that prioritize lab capacity building and evidence-based interventions, creating an enabling environment for sustainable improvements in global health security in Africa.

Open for Registration

Day Three

This side-event is poised to tackle the pressing challenge of rising Cardiometabolic Diseases (CMD) prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). With CMDs accounting for over 40% of NCD-related deaths in SSA, urgent action is needed to bolster healthcare systems against this growing burden. The session will delve into the root causes and consequences of CMDs, emphasizing the shortage of trained healthcare providers and the need for improved education and capacity building. With clear objectives to align on increasing access to quality prevention and treatment, showcase initiatives like the Partnership for Education of Professionals (PEP), and mobilize government and private sector investments, the session seeks to generate actionable outcomes. These include prioritizing interventions, garnering enhanced support from partners, and fostering country-led action plans to combat CMDs in Africa.

Invites Only

Over half of the world's population is denied affordable, quality care, and Kenya's health insurance coverage languishes below 30%. However, the Ministry of Health's reforms signal a beacon of hope, aiming to enhance pooled resources and expand access to essential benefits. Against the backdrop of the 77th World Health Assembly's call for social participation, this event showcases the fusion of policy reform and grassroots engagement, catalyzing a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery, particularly for marginalized communities. Through dynamic panel discussions and interactive fireside chats, attendees will explore global best practices, ongoing Kenyan case studies, and innovative toolkits developed by the Ministry of Health and Amref Health Africa's UHC Lab team. Join us on this odyssey towards universal health coverage, where every voice matters, and every step forward brings us closer to a future where healthcare knows no bounds.

Open for Registration

Day Four

The gravity of the intersecting challenges of climate change and malaria unfolds at this regional roundtable on climate change and Malaria. With projections indicating a stark rise in malaria-related deaths due to climate change, urgent action is imperative. The World Health Organization forecasts an additional 60,000 deaths annually by 2030, with a staggering 250,000 expected between 2030 and 2050. This impending crisis disproportionately affects vulnerable populations in Africa and Asia, demanding innovative strategies and concerted efforts. The event aims to catalyze discussions on novel eradication approaches, particularly focusing on Africa, where the burden of malaria is substantial. By highlighting the detrimental impact of climate change on malaria transmission and exploring opportunities to integrate climate action into eradication efforts, stakeholders seek to foster a sense of urgency and mobilize political will and resources. The expected outcomes include increased awareness, strategic alignment of commitments, and renewed collaborations to drive research and innovation in climate-resilient malaria control. In harnessing political leadership, leveraging resources, and fostering collaboration, the session endeavors to chart a path toward a malaria-free future while navigating the complexities of a changing climate.

Open for Registration

The 20th Heads of State and Government Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) in 2025 promises to be an extraordinary event, marking Africa's inaugural hosting of the G20 Summit on its own soil, in South Africa. This historic occasion not only symbolizes Africa's growing influence on the global stage but also underscores the critical role of the Global South Troikaship, championed by India, Brazil, and South Africa, in addressing the unique perspectives and challenges faced by developing nations. One of the focal points of the upcoming G20 Summit will be the culmination of efforts to bolster local and regional manufacturing capabilities, particularly in the realm of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics (VTDs). Building on previous commitments outlined in the Bali and New Delhi Declarations, G20 members are poised to accelerate the timeline for VTD manufacturing and distribution, aiming to reduce it from 300 to 100 days while ensuring equitable access and affordability. Against this backdrop, Amref Health Africa and PATH host a side-event at the 77th World Health Assembly to provide a pivotal platform for AU Member States to strategize on enhancing health research and development (R&D), pooled procurement, and manufacturing in the Global South. With a focus on sustainable localized manufacturing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), this event aims to broaden consensus, understand the role of the AU Commission, and shape priorities for manufacturing during Brazil and South Africa's respective G20 presidencies. By fostering dialogue, driving actionable recommendations, and leveraging strategic partnerships, this gathering holds the promise of advancing Africa's manufacturing agenda, ensuring equitable access to life-saving medical technologies, and strengthening global health security for generations to come.

  Open for Registration

Our Speakers

Dr Sania Nishtar

CEO Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Dr. Abdulaziz Mohammed

Head of Division, Disease Control and Prevention, Africa CDC

Dr. Jean Kagubare

Health Financing and Systems Strengthening Lead, Gates Foundation

Sanne Frost Helt

Senior Director Policy, Programme and Partnerships World Diabetes Foundation

Dr. Rahul Reddy

Executive Director, Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage (JLN), Amref Health Africa

Anthony Ofosu

Public Health Physician, Ghana

Eyong Ebai

Executive Director & General Manager, SSA

Dr Abdou Salam Gueye

Regional Emergencies Director, WHO Regional Office for Africa

Dinash Aravind

Senior Principal Assistant Director, National Health Financing, Planning Division; Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Meet the Amref Team at WHA77

Dr. Githinji Gitahi

Group CEO, Amref Health Africa.

Desta Lakew

Group Director of Partnerships and External Affairs - Amref Health Africa

Dr. Meshack Ndirangu Wanjuki

Country Director for Amref Health Africa in Kenya.

Dr Patrick Kagurusi - the Country Manager, Amref Health Africa in Uganda

Dr Patrick Kagurusi

Country Manager, Amref Health Africa in Uganda

Dr Mercy Mwangangi

Director – Health Systems Strengthening, Amref Health Africa

Maggie Rarieya - photo

Maggie Rarieya

Global Partnership Director at Amref Health Africa

Dr Aisa Muya

Director of Programs, Amref Health Africa Tanzania

Dr George Kimathi

Director – Institute of Capacity Development, Amref Health Africa

Diana Mukami - photo

Diana Mukami

Programme Operations Director, Amref Health Africa.

Dr. Cynthia Waliaula

Policy Analyst - Amref Health Africa's UHC Delivery Lab

Nanneke Nix pic

Nanneke Nix

Manager Future Programs Team – Amref Health Africa in the Netherlands

Dr Catherine Kanari

Dr Catherine Kanari

Universal Health Coverage and Programs Lead – Amref Health Africa

Corazon Aquino

Partnerships Manager - Amref Health Africa.

Isaac Ntwiga Photo

Isaac Ntwiga

Health Workforce Ecosystem Director, Amref Health Africa.

Rovinnah (1)

Rovinnah Maureen – Mutwiri

Strategic Partnerships Manager – Amref Health Africa

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