Fin dall’età di 9 anni Nice lotta per restituire dignità alle bambine africane, battendosi contro l’atroce …
Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa
Amref Health Africa teams up with African communities to create lasting health change.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
Five things you need to know about vaccine (in)equity in Africa
Many months ago, the UN chief, Antonio Guterres, warned the world that we needed to accelerate …
Jackline Chiwinga remembered the euphoria of waking up to dry bedding after her successful obstetric fistula …
Female Genital MutilationNews
4 op de 5 Nederlanders vindt dat Nederland zich moet inzetten om meisjesbesnijdenis te bestrijden
In veel nomadische gemeenschappen in Afrika is meisjesbesnijdenis nog steeds onderdeel van een eeuwenoude traditie. Toch …
DODOMA residents have been urged to give maximum support to Community-based Health Workers (CHW), who have …
Impact StoriesNews
Sanità globale, le malattie dimenticate minacciano oltre un miliardo di persone nel mondo, ma nessuno ne parla
ROMA – Un’alleanza per curare la Nodding Syndrome – detta “del cenno del capo”, condizione neurologica …
Amref Health Africa Tanzania through the ‘Afya Kamilifu’ project has extended its services by including COVID …
*Asilimia 83 wanaoishi na VVU wanajua hali zao *Idadi ya wanaojitokeza kupima VVU nayo yaongezeka Na …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
Salute e sviluppo: Amref, la pandemia e l’impegno per l’Africa. Se ne parla domani a Roma
La sfida mondiale alla pandemia da Covid-19 ha reso ancora più evidenti contraddizioni, limiti, disuguaglianze e …
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) NewsNews
Nairobi health officers trained on Covid-19 protocols enforcement
Public Health Officers from Nairobi received capacity-building training on enforcement of Covid-19 health and safety protocols. …